Help me please! New grower!


Hi everyone!

I started my first grow on 7th of this month and everything was going well until a couple of days ago. I noticed that my first pair of leaves was getting very curly pointing down and i started researching for it and i tough it was over watered because i was watering her every day or sometimes twice a day because i have a 400w MH on a 0.8x0.8x1.6m tent. So i stoped giving her water for 3 days and the symptoms got worse.. so i tough i did wrong and today i watered her again... did I did wrong?

DSC_02271111.jpgA day before I noticed the curly leaves
DSC_0229.jpg3 days without watering

HELP!!!!!! What should i do??

Thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
those peat pots can be hard to manage for a beginner. they wick water from the sides and sometimes dry quickly. pop the whole thing into a 6" pot of neutral potting mix. and water when pot feels light in weight.


Thanks for the reply bro! Yes im using peat pots.
So by that you mean that i didn't over watered right? I gave her today a good amount of water so i will wait until tomorrow to see if i have good results.
Btw, can i transplant the hole thing? will the roots penetrate the little pots?



I just transplanted the baby! :) She is looking a little bit better, hope she get's strong now!
Thanks for the tip scroglodyte!

Happy smokes!


update: DSC_0232.jpg

She is slowly recovering from the center to the tips after the transplant. But the yellowish is getting worse on the tips.
Is she gonna make it guys? I'm really worried about my baby! Help please!:wall:


Well-Known Member
They look better and the new growth looks ok.... they have recovered... just leave them be and continue to feed/water based upon weight as normal and she will come back..... takes patiences and time.... maybe a week or 2. Def. not like a 3 or 4 day recover time she is still a very little girl.


Well BUDS, almost a meter and temps were always 26C... so that was not the problem..
@xxEMOxx, yes, I will wait another week or two and decide if I star over.
