help me please when is it ready ??????????


Active Member
this is my first grow and they have been flowering about 5 weeks now . how long do you leave it till you harvist ??????????


Well-Known Member
Harvest when the trichromes turn an amber or cloudy amber color. You'll need a magnifying glass for this. Also check out the GrowFAQ for pics.


New Member
No, flushing isn't a must. But ... there are those who will tell you to run fresh water through the plant for the last week or so.

Finish time depends upon the strain. Most Indicas and Indica/Sativa crosses are done in about 60 to 75 days. Pure Sativas can take 120 days or even longer. So ... what strain are you growing?



New Member
Flushing isn't a must but if you want to smoke your weed for a few days then it is advisable to flush before harvest as you will almost certainly get a headache from the nutes or/and a sorethroat if you don't.

At 5 weeks you still have a few weeks left.

When the white pistils start turning red/brown this is an indication that the plant is almost ready. When 70% of the white pistils turn red this is the optimum time to harvest.

Also as someone pointed out, you can take bits at a time (maybe quick dry) and have a bit of a sample.


Well-Known Member
yeah I am at 5.5 weeks and I have a microscope and I have tried the "small test " thing. ( two of my girls are at 7 weeks). I am proud to say the one in my avatar pic got me wasted . I just pulled a piece off and stuck it straight into my pipe. I have been flushing her . But anyways she got me fuxed up w00t! So i figure about one more week. good luck and do you have a radio shck store where you live?


Well-Known Member
IMO flushing late helps give you a better read on the real status of thc. if your plant is heavily salted your tri's and pistols amber quickly, if you flush on a regular basis there are far lower level of salts remaining in the soils, this is far less toxic for the plant when your done growing height wise you need to taper the food off also. people see these buds that look all ripe but when you flush you will see massive explosions in growth, if you can maintain this explosive growth throughout your reproductive cycle you would yield probably 60-70% more bud and full thc levels. the real problem with new growers is getting them to let the bud fully finish!


Active Member
thanks everyone i took a bit off and smoked it not bad but i am going to leave a bit more yet best things come to thoes that wait and all that i will let you all know when they come down


Well-Known Member
thnx for the info abudsmoker............I will start backing off the nutes graduauly, it is about time.


Well-Known Member
Skunky, you can tell from people's pics if their buds are ready? I'm not going on the pistils turning to gauge when mine are ready. Too many factors (excessive heat, nute burn, etc.) other than peak maturity can contribute to the pistils turning red/brown. Trichomes are the only sure way to know when the plant has peaked. My 2 girls started changing their pistil colors several weeks ago. On one plant it looked like about half of the pistil were red and this was about 2 weeks ago. That plant has since regrown new pistils which are predominantly white. As of today, the trichs on that "white" plant are light amber. I'm giving it another couple of days.


New Member
Hearme' you may find this link interesting... Phantom Maturity In Flowering

With my grapefruit strain it is like there is two stages of flowering. The buds start to turn brown and I get to thinking I'm on the final countdown... a few days later the buds are twice the size and white all over! 11 week flower on the bastards too.


New Member
Also, buds will knot up as they approach peak ripeness. That's why I said I can tell from the pic's. Some buds are just not dense enough to be ready, and in some pic's you can see the bud is still covered in white pistils.


Well-Known Member
Skunk, that very thing happened to me. It appeared I was nearing completion based on the pistils about 2 weeks ago but the trichs were still clear. Then this past weekend, almost overnight by buds swelled by at least 15% and then I started noticing the trichs turning to cloudy and light amber. I am testing daily now.

Hearme' you may find this link interesting... Phantom Maturity In Flowering

With my grapefruit strain it is like there is two stages of flowering. The buds start to turn brown and I get to thinking I'm on the final countdown... a few days later the buds are twice the size and white all over! 11 week flower on the bastards too.