Help me please

Pharaonic THC

Active Member
My first plant was herimin so i start a new one
But i found this yellowish color
How can i fix
Is now 24 days


Pharaonic THC

Active Member
Agree with above. Looks like Mg def for sure. Like mentioned above, epsom salts will dissolve in some warm water no problem. Also, I hope you have a stronger light for flowering.
I have 100wat led light + 4 lamps like in pic
And i decided to buy 400 w hps Light at next flowering

Pharaonic THC

Active Member
Are you doing anything different this time around from the last hermie you got?

I'd probably go hermie too if I had to sit in that mud lol what is that stuff? Looks like you gave your plant concrete shoes.

Whats need to fix bro if you can help i want success this time

Pharaonic THC

Active Member
I would look into a fluffier, not so compacted soil to grow don't want a soil that holds alot of water, it needs to drain out.
Now i transplant to the final pot ( the previous plant was grown to 1,7meter in this pot ) now i made a mixture From nile soil+yellow sand 50:50 and i gave it water+Fertilizer until the water run out From the bottom i will buy a 400w mh or hps lamp for flowering

