help me please


Active Member
ok got bout 15 plants ranging in age from 3 weeks to 1 week in fox farm OF soil everything was good and going pretty well until my buddy suggested to give them a light foliar feed. So i mix up a very lite mix of root66 and sugar daddy from technaflora and added just a tiny bit (less than 1ml) of bushmaster to the half gallon of spray mix. sprayed all of my plants with it and all seem to be doing fine except for the biggest of the bunch. first couple of leaf sets are pale green to yellow in color tips of leaves have curled up along with some of the edges the top portion of the plant is a dark green color and my stems have a reddish purple tone to them and the entire thing has wilted like from overwatering but i havent given it any more water than i have in the past few weeks usually about 10ml at a time been using plain water (from brita filter) with just a drop of superthrive. was thinkin that it could be a P def. but i thought th fox farm would have enough nute to go until flower. i know its a little hard to diagnose without pics but any help is better than none at all so thanks in advance.:wall: soome of the others have a llitle yellow in the veins of the leaves but none are wilted and as bad as this one


Active Member
anyone? got any ideas. should i maybe flush them or should i feed for a P def. or what. Please help i dont want to see a few weeks of work dry to dust.


Well-Known Member
They are not lacking any nutes yet.

Ya said 1 plant has a problem? It did not like the spray but the others could take the overdose. Ya may have given the bigger one more sprays.


Well-Known Member
Wait the big plant could be due for nutes. If ya sprayed the shit out of it ya could have foilar flushed the plant.


Active Member
a descent mist over them all just once the other day . the one with the real problem is only about 4-5 in. tall should i spray them with just water to rinse the leaves or something. i did notice that the others that are as far along have a little yellow in the veins on the lower leaves but no where near as major as the other. "i'm new i dont know what to do help me" joe dirt


Well-Known Member
There are plenty of nutes in that soil. So they are not lacking anything.
You are going to have to ride it out.
I would try to rinse the leaves. All the nutes probably soaked into the plants, but it cant hurt. (just water)


Well-Known Member
Ride it bro ride it.
They are tough plants so your odds are good.
Good luck with the grow.
Post later with your findings and QUIT SPRAYING SHIT ON YOUR PLANTS. Oh sorry i got carried away.


Active Member
right on no more spraying well other than water hopefully i will have a good post to put up in a few days. thanks for the info and help. guess ill just attack the rose bush out front. i wont be so sad if that thing dies