Help me please


Active Member
OK i have one plant i was growing it out side at first then i had to move in side.... well it WAS GOOD had NO problem then a buddy of mine gave me some (MG) 15-30-15 .... When i put it on there it started turning my leave brown and then they started to fall off AND THE ONES THATdidnt fall off they have spots on it




Well-Known Member
Yep never use mg. DO some research before using fertilizers. Mg is a general plant food not having the correct micro nutes. Anyways you prolly nute burnt it or it really messed up your ph because you didn't adjust it. It sounds like you already knew what your problem was before you asked though...


Well-Known Member
I have been using MG the whole way through and no issues until i tried doubling the schedual and never worried about ph! Now I have ph issues and have to flush! Know of a good ph tester?


Active Member
I use the bloom booster (15-30-15) from MG during the flowering stage, and my nugs were fine. It is high in Ph, which I have been told leads to healthier nugs. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
That's what I use too! I just think i used it to often! I need to ph and flush but I NEED A PH METER! WHICH IS A GOOD CHEAP ONE TO USE!


Active Member
Not sure if it's the "BEST". I mean everyone has their opinions But from what I can afford, and the nugs i've grown, this will do just fine. :weed:


Well-Known Member
You didn't say if your plant was in flowering or veg.? If it is in flower that would be a good fertilizer to use but you just probably used too much and got some nute burn, just dilute it about 1/4 strength and work you're way up. If you are in veg. then that would not be a good fertilizer to use, you want a higher level of N for veg. with smaller amounts of P and K.


Well-Known Member
If you are in flowering then that is a great fertilizer to use, you just probably have some nute burn so flush it out a little bit with water and start with a 1/4 strength mixture and work your way up from there.


Active Member
Nothing wrong with MG, most MG's have supplementry micro nutes.
(check the carton)
It sounds like your overfeeding, flush your soil immediatley, water with just tepid water for a few days and see if the problem reverses or stabilizes.
Dilute your solution to 1/8 strength and increase concentration 1/8th at a time over 1 week and keep a close eye.

Good Luck!