Help me please!

do you pack the perlite down? i dnt understand how you would use perlite cuz its like little you use it the same way as soil?


Well-Known Member
You can mix vermiculite and perlite. you don't press down perlite - you grow it as is. just wash it and take caution not to inhale its dust.

I always have heat problems... I try to run as much lights as possible and they never get me below 21°C.

pH of 8 is SLIGHTLY alkaline. its not the 6.8 marijuana likes but its not that far off. there are a lot of things to lower the medium pH and if your nutes don't do it you should do it yourself.
ok thanks for all your help guys, one plant died :( but the other one is starting to look better, and i just left it alone all i did was put it a little farther from the lights and i watered it, i am germinating four more seeds, and im gonna put two of the seedlings in just perlite, and two in a 50/50 vermiculite perlite mix and see how that works