help me please !!!


k so yee ive had my clone for about 4 weeks now and well last week i transplanted it pot cuz the one i had it in dint havegood enough drainage and dint have much perlite in the soil so i did was i was told to lift it so as i was doin that i noticed she dint have any roots wat so ever so i put her under a humidity dome for the past week and well ive seen 2 leafs die so far but more new growth is actually growing thing is my leafs now are pointing upwards i wanterd to know if that was a sign of roots growing ? this is my first grow and im trying sooo hard to make it work ill be postin a pic in a matter of minutes please people let me know if shes doing fine


k so heres a pic from like 3 weeks ago before i transplanted it in a better pot 2012-01-22 21.30.44.jpg had no roots then heres a pic of like middle of last week so like a week and a half ago 2012-02-06 14.57.30.jpg2012-02-05 10.32.54.jpg and heres a picture i took from todaySAM_2219.jpgSAM_2222.jpg


Well-Known Member
No its not going to live. The clone was taken from a mother plant in flower which are hard to clone successfully. Also the mother wasnt 100% itself. Next time cut a clone from a vegging healthy mother, go thru the cloning process(cloning powder,angle cut,heat mats etc) then in about 14 days plant into soil under light.


how can u tell she was taken from a mother plant in flower ? not that i dont believe you just asking im new in this and shes had some new growth but she still gonna end up dying?


Well-Known Member
As long as it was well rooted when you planted it, I'd say it will live. The question is how long will it take to resume normal veg growth. Could be several weeks.


Active Member
ok so in mho i dont see that it looks to be from a flowering mother i dont see flowers. and it is possible to clone from a flowering plant just harder to root. my opinion take off the dead leaves so she can concentrate on the live parts. cut all big fan leaves in half to help her concentrate on roots first. keep her in dome with little air dont water but every 3 days or so. ( restricting some water helps roots grow bigger to find water) do not dehydrate her. Ive brought back plants that look 10x worse :) no nutes except maybe some vit b (use as directed i think 1/4 tsp per gal) make sure ur ph is good. if usuing tap water make sure to let it sit out for 24hrs so the chlorine will evaporate. Dont listen to anyone who says she will die...... how the hell do they know??? Good luck :)


in the past week witch is the week i put the dome on it since i found out it had no roots at all it has shown new growth new leaves comin out pretty quick and shit i just hope she goes well so far since i put the bag she looks more alive


Active Member
It still needs TLC but it looks like it just might make it :) I burned a couple of clones pretty good last week. I thought they were both goners but I couldn't bring myself to dump them. One has come back! So never say never!


Well-Known Member
as an experiment i took cuttings from a plant a couple weeks into flower. it rooted in a week and i planted into a 4" pot and threw it back into the flower room. it made a nice little nug. i think it turned out pretty cool. it's not root bound although you would think it is. when it dries it'll make a 2g nug i think.
feb 15b 2012 002.jpg


Mine isent on flowering stage this clone was dying and shit 3 weeks ago transplanted a better pot and put a dome on it and now its been showing new growth quick witch i like makes me feel like a hero lmfao my first time growing plant is dying and then i did everything i thought.ove and now shes growing just hopin she goes good now hope she rooted cuz when i transplanted 2 weeks ago on this friday she ha no roots and no new growth so im thinking she grew roots


Grammer nazis wtf ? Anyways that clone never rooted its doneski i got myself some free seeds there already germinated put in 16oz cupswth a dome over it lets see if these go