Help me please

some one help me if you come across this, i have two plants in the same pot, my first time, plants are 3 and a 1/2 inches. just showed there first set of real leaves. HELP!!!!#1.jpg#2.jpgplot.jpg


Well-Known Member
transplant each into it's own container and move what ever light you are using closer, they appear to be stretching. good luck stay high


Well-Known Member
Put them in there own pots. Then come back in a month and let us know how they are doing...C yah

I'll give you a REP for posting with a picture.:leaf:


Active Member
get some more perlite in tht mix u need better drainage.. only water once the soil is dry 4 ins ur PH when ur watering..def get the light closer..kinda looks like its outside in the pic right? u wanna use 5000k for veg. veg em for 4 weeks then switch em too 12/12. for like 8 weeks. smoke. peace ( not tht easy :-o)
These little babys are my first, and during the day i keep them kinda where ever and turn a book light on above them from about 10 to 12 hours a day, then in hide them in the dark corner of the closet, that way even if you open the closet no light can touch em, Ive got four in the pot really but i only believe 2 will make it bacause the other two i kinda left germinating WAY TOO LONG... so yea, but back to the two.

on one the stem was kinda curly so i put it down more in the soil. and i dont know what really to do next i dont really have the space to do like i would like to do, and THANKS EVERYONE FOR HELP, and i dont know much, these are my first, so i dont know what stretching and ph and 12/12 and all that. Again thanks everyone. ill put more pics up soon.

Bonzo Mendoza

New Member
Oh My Gawd!!

Oh My Gawd!!!

OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


like .. so what ... just grow them. Then if one is male, you have one plant in one container - if both are female ... just fukkin deal with it
uhhh yea thanks for the sincerity in your post, it means alot...........yea but im just doing this for the first time.... but since your so nice the male produces flowers which polinate and the females yeild the bud right? and the help was just to get peoples attention so i could get a couple tips, i really didnt expect a response for awhile.


Well-Known Member
keeping them in the same container will hurt both plants and neither will reach it's full potential. I've been experimenting with it on and off with them to try to make it work somehow and their sisters in single pots do much better. better than both of the other plants combined. even using 5 gallon containers their 1 plant per pot sisters in 3 gallon have still done better than both combined. thats why its a big deal. if you can show me grows that have succeeded where ive failed so far i'd love to see them.

anyway, stretching refers to distance between nodes pretty much, what it means is the space between nodes is increasing as it stretches toward the light. its a sign its not getting enough light b/c the light is too far away so the plant is stretching up to get more light.
ph'ing the water you give cannabis is usually pretty important. some people get lucky and have ideal water from their tap. you want a ph between 6.0-7.0 in soil(i shoot for 6.5 myself). ph meters run around $20-$25 but you can get less accurate strips or aquarium water dropper kits. just make sure the one you get is in the range you need to test of 6.0-7.0 if you get the fish tank one. cannabis plants do not flower automatically by themselves. the length of the dark period they get triggers flowering because the cannabis plants hormone that tells it to flower is destroyed by light so as the days get shorter the hormone increases. inside plants are put on 12/12 to do so. outside plants just need the days to start getting shorter, it doesnt have to hit 12 hrs of dark for flowering to start.
here is how i tell when to water. All credit belongs to 10k, the oriiginal author.

What is the "lift the pot" method? Added by: 10k

The "lift the pot" method is a widely practiced, and very accurate method of knowing when to water your container plants.

The best way imho, to know when soil grown potted plants need more watering is by checking how heavy the pots feel. This method is very simple to learn once you get the feel for how light a ready for watering pot of soil feels.

Get an equal size pot and fill it with your soil. The medium should be about as moist as a new bag of potting soil. Use this planter as a learning tool to get a rough idea of how much the pots should weigh before watering again. The pots with your plants will feel only just slightly heavier when the soil is ready for more water. Pick up one of your planted pots, if its noticably heavy, do not water it until it feels "light". Next time you water a planter, pick it up and feel how much heavier it feels compared to the sample pot of soil.

It only takes a few times picking up the pots until this skill is like a "second nature" to you. You wont even need the sample pot after you get accustomed to the lifting method.

Sure your plants are always putting on more weight as they grow larger, but once you're proficient at lifting the pots, you'll also know how to compensate for the weight of the plants with ease.

I dont know how to better explain this method of knowing when to water, but believe me, anyone who learns this method, will always know when its time to water.
BOMB thank you, and the nodes are the round like leaves right? this is actuall pretty helpfull and ill put a new pick up and if anymore ideas please bring em on. heck yea thanks yo


Well-Known Member
nodes are where the new growth points(branches) emerge. when a plant is mature they will go from being symmetrical to alternating. here is a pic from google of a non-mature plant

here is a pic of alternating nodes.


Active Member
These little babys are my first, and during the day i keep them kinda where ever and turn a book light on above them from about 10 to 12 hours a day, then in hide them in the dark corner of the closet, that way even if you open the closet no light can touch em, Ive got four in the pot really but i only believe 2 will make it bacause the other two i kinda left germinating WAY TOO LONG... so yea, but back to the two.

on one the stem was kinda curly so i put it down more in the soil. and i dont know what really to do next i dont really have the space to do like i would like to do, and THANKS EVERYONE FOR HELP, and i dont know much, these are my first, so i dont know what stretching and ph and 12/12 and all that. Again thanks everyone. ill put more pics up soon.
Not sure the book light will be sufficient enough. You should read or watch some grow videos to get a basic understanding.


Well-Known Member
be really careful when you transplant it. The plant should be just fine. i do however strongly advise you get and mix some pearlite with that soil you will be putting them into. about 1/3 pearlite to 2/3 soil is the amount i would mix it.
Not sure the book light will be sufficient enough. You should read or watch some grow videos to get a basic understanding.
thanks man, i was curious about it...but i will show supprising so far...............plot.jpg

so yea...maybe, but your probably right. lol haha it was funny you said i should i geuss not that funny... but still really thanks....hey putting a worm would do some good right?


Well-Known Member
do you have a fan blowing in the area to increase stem strength and so the plants get a constant airflow ? thats very important. the other issue is, as others have said, your lighting. thats not enough. go buy a power strip, 4 outlet to socket converters, 4 y splitters and 4 2700k cfls and 4 65ook cfls. the spectrums dont have to exacltly match, 3000k's would be ok if you cant find 2700k for example. stay away from 4000k lights though. they are in the green part of the spectrum and plants dont use green wavelength light very much, its why they look green to us. now take the 4 outlet to socket converter and plug them into the power strip every other outlet. now take your 4 y splitters and screw them into the outlet to socket converters. now take 1 2700k bulb and 1 6500k bulb and screw one into each socket. do the same with the next one but make it so 2 of the same color are never next to each other. example red-blue-red-blue .this is what you'll end up with, except you'll have 4 converters and everything instead of 3 and you'll be using bulbs from both sides of the spectrum that are alternating.