Help me please


Well-Known Member
So Im about to go to NC for a trip from ohio. I was going to bring a half of some delicious nuggets, but then found out earlier today that there are checkpoints with dogs throughout Kentucky. Should I try to sneak it past in two scent blocking bags inside of a glass jar or should I just hope I can find weed in NC and if so does anyone know how difficult it is to get any good weed there? Please help me as soon as you see this, Id greatly appreciate it
Are you driving or traveling some other way? If your driving just wrap it up good. dont dress like a dirty hippy (take a shower and shave) drive the speed limit dont smoke in the car all that kind of stupid shit that gets people arrested and you should be fine. oh yea, dont speed. If you are on the highways you should be fine they arent gonna have dogs on major roads sniffing for weed.

IF you see a roadsign that says "drug checkpoint ahead" DO NOT GET OFF THE HIGHWAY AT THE NEXT EXIT!!!!! the cops are waiting for people with stuff to hide gettting off the next exit and they will stop you there...its a trap!! (my best ackbar impersonation)
yea Im just not trying to get into trouble and ruin my vacation by getting into trouble and getting my sack confiscated. . but likewise I find it very unlikely that I find weed where Im going, its in the mountains at a lake with a small town so idk. My friends dad went through kentucky said there were checkpoints and there were dogs.I feel as if im overthinking. Ive literally been researching all day. experiencing nature without weed is like experience a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with no milk. imagine that with cotton mouth :(
So Im about to go to NC for a trip from ohio. I was going to bring a half of some delicious nuggets, but then found out earlier today that there are checkpoints with dogs throughout Kentucky. Should I try to sneak it past in two scent blocking bags inside of a glass jar or should I just hope I can find weed in NC and if so does anyone know how difficult it is to get any good weed there? Please help me as soon as you see this, Id greatly appreciate it
Regular checkpoints with drug sniffing dogs? This isn't anything I've ever heard of. I suppose that doesn't mean they don't exist.
You could dogleg east to avoid Kentucky. Just a thought. cn

yah, this is exactly what i was thinking.. you don't have to go through kentucky to get to nor cal, it might be a bit out of the way, maybe not though..
just avoid the state all together, and with it the drug sniffing dogs.. :D

i've never heard of drug dogs on a big highway either, and i've traveled a lot on the east coast of the us by car..
Send me 100,000 dollhairs and you can use my jet. leave a packed bowl at the pilots station on the way out . deal?jet.jpghaha.jpg
I have driven through many paths between MI and NC over several years. I wish I could have gotten frequent road miles.

Just follow the speed limit, wear your seat belts, yes everyone in the car, and drive responsibly.

You should be fine. Are you the only one who knows about your "extra luggage"?

This is not a family outing type of thing?
I just drove through Kentucky via I-75 a few days ago and didn't see any checkpoints; just the random cop car tucked behind some trees or a sign scanning for speeders.
I just checked my Rand McNally. (Yah. I use books. I'm old. So?) It depends on your start and finish points. If you're going from Cincinnati to Asheville, it'll be an inconvenience, but you can still take the 52 in the direction of Charleston. If you're in the eastern half of the state, the I-77 is your friend. Like buddah. cn
@kronika. thats the way im taking cutting through kentucky via 1-75 which is where they are supposed to be allegedly. This is just me and two friends with minimal luggage and liquor (all of age)
the destination is on the tennessee carolina border. I thought of just driving with nothing then taking a drive to asheville and taking my chances with the people there but I would imagine it being difficult to get a half of good bud so short notice in a place I dk
I have driven through many paths between MI and NC over several years. I wish I could have gotten frequent road miles.

Just follow the speed limit, wear your seat belts, yes everyone in the car, and drive responsibly.

You should be fine. Are you the only one who knows about your "extra luggage"?

This is not a family outing type of thing?

Yes, what he said. it worked for me.
@kronika. thats the way im taking cutting through kentucky via 1-75 which is where they are supposed to be allegedly. This is just me and two friends with minimal luggage and liquor (all of age)

I didn't hear anything about checkpoints before I made my trip or I would have been nervous as hell too as I was holding as well. But yeah, I didn't see any checkpoints. To echo the advice given above - just keep your stash sealed up and don't speed. Or just avoid it all together with a detour if you're really anxious about it. With the 4th coming up the cops will be out in full force just about everywhere this week. Also, you can get some pretty good homegrown herb in the boonies if you know where to look!

Alabama is the state that always trips me out. I see more cops there than anywhere else.
yea thats true. My friend wants to put it in scnet proof bags and put it inside of my air filter compartment (hes a crazy mechanic) with the idea that any scent that seaps from the bag will be sucked into the engine and by the time it comes out of the tailpipe will have been well combusted. might work. we have friends in another car that are leaving a half an hour early that are going to give us warnings if there is checkpoints with enough time that we can figure out an alternative route.
Lake Lure probably. Not much of anything to smoke . Ashville is another story. But don't count on finding anything but Mexican weed for sale.