Help me please

My friend recently just got caught with Cannabis in Kentucky, got a nice long probation sentence. WOO! Be careful man. Don't speed.
King - I drive 75 thru Kentucky constantly and have never seen any checkpoints. Dont go crazy fast, and have a great vaca! The laws in KY have recently been greatly reduced, same with Ohio so no worries mate.

So Im about to go to NC for a trip from ohio. I was going to bring a half of some delicious nuggets, but then found out earlier today that there are checkpoints with dogs throughout Kentucky. Should I try to sneak it past in two scent blocking bags inside of a glass jar or should I just hope I can find weed in NC and if so does anyone know how difficult it is to get any good weed there? Please help me as soon as you see this, Id greatly appreciate it
When my friend got in trouble in Kentucky the cops didn't read him his Miranda rights and his reasoning was: *Southern Accent: "WE'RE OLD FASHIONED!"*

Tell that to any fucking judge and see if they don't slap the shit out of you.