Help me please!!!


Active Member
image.jpg I need to kno in my bubble bucket do I need to lower the water level there are 3 or 4 roots like 8 or 9 inches long all completely submerged I'm running two air stones everything looks good to me but it's my first time and don't kno
That plant looks very healthy to me. I usually keep the water level about 1/2-1 inch below the bottom of the pot, so most of the roots are under water. They also tend to grow around the airstones and trap a small amount of air.
Like @aeafafwe said. But I like to keep it 2-2.5" below the net pots once there are roots in the water. I feel that gap of air helps produce bigger water roots. IMO
you're just showing off cocksmooch :mrgreen: that reminds me of my first dwc- don't matter how much water that things going to explode. what nutes? I would fill them to the brim in dwc and let them get fairly low before refilling, always changed res once a week though, towards the end I would always top them off by pouring through the stones. The roots will get so wild the level wont matte rmuch