Hi there I am new grower and am wondering what sort of problems is my 15 day old seedling going thru I keep it under 14w LED bulb and was growing good only till a couple a days ago it begin twisting and black spots appeared at the tips any ideas on what I am doing wrong ? Pics below



Well-Known Member
Need more info; what water, PH of said water, what are you feeding it. Air temps all play a roll..


Need more info; what water, PH of said water, what are you feeding it. Air temps all play a roll..
Using rain water atm and temperature around 28/29 degrees have a fan blowing cool air constantly and am not feeding any thing atm using organic soil with nutrients in it


Well-Known Member
Has the soil got a lot of pine mulch through it?
Only asking, because i bought some bagged soil to start seedlings this season. Soil smelt like a pine forrest, seedlings hated it.

Otherwise it looks pretty dry to me. You have a large pot too?
Might be hard watering properly for now. They should grow out of it.

What kind of nutrient is in the soil? Organic material, or slow release etc.

Newly transplanted, or started in those pots?
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Has the soil got a lot of pine mulch through it?
Only asking, because i bought some bagged soil to start seedlings this season. Soil smelt like a pine forrest, seedlings hated it.

Otherwise it looks pretty dry to me. You have a large pot too?
Might be hard watering properly for now. They should grow out of it.

What kind of nutrient is in the soil? Organic material, or slow release etc.

Newly transplanted, or started in those pots?
I am using this soil and perlites mixed in with is slow release



Well-Known Member
I am using this soil and perlites mixed in with is slow release
Dunno man, probably hot soil.

Can't need nutrient if there's 3 months worth in there. Can't tell properly, but the slow release fertilizer is "natural" apparently, which is a plus i guess.

How often are they getting water? Again looks pretty dry to me. Some mulch like straw or sugar cane might help retain some moisture. Don't use wood chips. Those plants roots wouldn't be more than 2 or 3 inches down. Might be drying out, the mulch will help there.

Like i said, probably soil is too hot, and maybe underwatered too. But in those large pots, it'll be hard not to overwater too.
They may recover, and grow into the soil. Maybe not.
Bit touch and go.

My advice next time, is to start them in 500 - 1000mL pots or so, even solo cups. But use a seedling mix instead.
Rapid rooters wouldn't be a bad option either.

I'd avoid any soil with pine bark. Didn't do mine any favours.

Best of luck, hope they pull through.


Well-Known Member
Your little one is grossly deficient...and unhappy.

What makes up your soil?....break it down according to the package.
What is the pH of said rain water you're using?...don't assume it's perfect just because it falls from the sky. You need to know this variable.

Let's start here...