help me plz, ive got seeds and bud!!


thanks again guys you bin a massive help more so than my friends who are big time smokers! all they have to say is if it don't smell strong then it shit!! but i'll wait till its cured and then let you know. my big prob is i dont know the strain! the guy got the cuttins from has bin growing this strain for years and told me it was good! could any of you guys recommend a good strain that smell good and is a good smoke?? and could any of you get me cuttins sent of these strain, if not then i could get the seeds but thats a bit long! thanks for all ur answer's im leaning loads :)


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
Kaya Gold has been good to me this year bro. Smells and tastes kinda like a diesel strain. Covored in Trichomes.


Active Member
hermi better then male if those are the only seeds you have at the moment plant them try them out! but i would suggest getting some clones order just oder some seeds online start fresh


Active Member
Dont really know if the stress of a plant having bugs would be enough to hermie it? Anyone?

sry if ne 1 said this because i didnt read the last 2 pages.

ANY stress placed upon a plant for any given time usually has some residual hermi-ing effects. why do you think intense heat stress causes females to go male sometimes?
