Help Me Plzzz


Active Member
This is sort of a follow up on my last post. Im growing indoors and I had switched to 12/12. My humidity was anywhere from 60% to 68%. My temps were anywhere from 71 degrees f to 75 degrees f but it had lately been staying in the 71.0 to the 71.9 mark. I had read on this forum that was the perfect temperature for budding. Well I went out and spent alot of money on a dehumidifier. Right now its at a steady 43% for the last 3 days. Is that okay - I have been 12/12 for 6 days now. Heres my problem. The dehumidifier puts out lots of heat. I had an outdoor grow that lasted through the summer with nighttime temps around 80 degrees f. Well my temp with the 125 W CFL Growlights on is 83.0 and thats after 10 hours out of 12 being on. After 10 hours of being off it is at 79 degrees f.My outdoor plants budded just fine and when the sun was out it was upwards of 90 f and even upwards of 100 f on alot of days. What do you think of my 83 temps and my 43% humidity? Thanks in advance:weed:


Well-Known Member
try to drop the temps with some more ventilation. 83 is not ideal but its also not too too hot. if adding another fan or 2 doesnt help, then put a frozen 2lieter in front of the fans and it should keep things cooler

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
Temps no problem and I don't think you'l have any problem with your humidity just to be safe make sure you have a fan blowing through your plants that'l keep away any chance of mold etc. 43% isnt so high so I wouldn't worry.


Well-Known Member
remember its a good idea to have 2 or 3 2lieters so that while 1 of them is being used another one can be on stand by and another one freezing

also remember to leave some space in the 2lieter, otherwise your freezer will furn out a frozen mess


Active Member
I am not worrying Makepeace I just need to know when to expect buds. I have been on 12/12 for a week now, so maybe by the end of week 2 in 12/12?
could you post a pic of your plant it would be alot easier to tell you how close it is to budding, just keep your eyes peeled at the nodes for the pistil hairs to sprout. hope that helps


Active Member
I dont think anyone could explain to me what a "node" is better than google pictures with arrows pointing to the nodes.

Beside from that there are new pistols from the bottom to the very top and this is new.

So I guess what you are saying to me is my plant could not be ready to flower for another 2 or 3 weeks even though its been on 12/12 for a week?

I will try to get some pictures at watering time tonight to hopefully help everyone out.