help me save my girls?


Active Member
Well thanks i aporeciate the answers i always ask and never any responses. What about flower week count? Count em from preflower or 12 12?

And i meant he said he wanted pics n said i was phony and google pics or somethn not google answers...

And no you didnt hit a nerve your just a douche n thats your problem not mine lol...

My temps have been 78 to 88 w humidity between 30 and 40%.
Not sure how else to keep temps down im running cooltubes/435cfm and 235 cfm canfan/filter exaust. I try using my central air but its not really hot enough outside to stay on yet... next grow it will n should run smooth


Well-Known Member
Actually I think youve got things all mixed up here. You are the one that has been slamming me and calling me names left and right. I just tried to give you some advice which is to not come off like a dick to people who are trying to help you (whether they do help or not). What you've done is made yourself sound like either some punk kid or an uneducated adult (a dumbass). Your probably not but that's how you've made yourself look to anyone that decided to read your thread.

So if anyone WAS a douche here it would definitely be YOU. Again, I'm not calling you a douche, just saying that if there was one in this conversation it wouldn't be me.

If I was an experienced grower and knew the answer to your problem, I would've offered you that kind of help instead of suggesting what I did. Tell you what though. If I read through your thread and saw how you were talking to people (me included), I'd just move on and not offer any help.

Something to think about...

Have a good day and I hope you are able to fix your problem.


Active Member
If you say so man you dont need talk your way into looking cool i dont care feel free to be a doucher its not a big deal.

For the record i never said anything rude until someone started getting rude. First i was slamned for not accepting someones opinion when i specifically said i respect your opinion but its hard to believe given the circumstances. Then followed by telling me im a phony and told to post pics "I didnt google".

Pretty ignorant i post a question and get all that and not one answer. Youd be kinda pissed too. Then to top it off i got another doucher to follow up where the last tool left off. Good job do you feel like a hardass now? I hope so. Maybe you shoulda read the whole thread before you tuned in. Thats what makes you the dick, dick. Lol...


Well-Known Member
Whatever... You obviously are as dumb as you came off and are a pretty big dick. I wasn't trying to "talk my way into looking cool" as you say. I was just pointing out that you're an idiot and you didn't even get that. I did read it through and the only one that ever tried to be a hardass is you. Now you've suggested that two people are being hardasses. Sounds like a favorite of yours, you must be one. I have pretty thick skin kid so you haven't stirred the pot even a little with me. Just stop trying so hard to be hard, it's not worth it. Enjoy life and your weed.

No need to respond to this post as I'm done wasting my time with you. I will not be looking in here again.