HELP me save my seedling!!

Coming from a guy named raindog that advice is to be inspected at arms length. Topdressing with aged kitty litter is the way
mt. Rain Dog is a local name for Mt. Rainier which has a bit of a spiritual connection for me. Also "Rain Dogs" was the name of the hockey team I played for in Schweinfurt Germany, the name comes from the fact we didn't have a covered rink, so it rained, and it sucked, and we did more fighting like dogs than scoring goals.
mt. Rain Dog is a local name for Mt. Rainier which has a bit of a spiritual connection for me. Also "Rain Dogs" was the name of the hockey team I played for in Schweinfurt Germany, the name comes from the fact we didn't have a covered rink, so it rained, and it sucked, and we did more fighting like dogs than scoring goals.
This thread is dumb as hell. But I almost asked you about the name. For some reason I thought you might be referring to Mt. Rainier. What's your connection to Mt. Rainier?
This thread is dumb as hell. But I almost asked you about the name. For some reason I thought you might be referring to Mt. Rainier. What's your connection to Mt. Rainier?
I've only been out to the Seattle area once. Work trip. Anyway, we had amazing weather the whole time. No rain, mid 70's. Absolutely perfect. Went to Mt Rainier park, Snoqualmie falls, out to the Olympic Coast where my coworker has a beach house out in Ocean Shores. Drove through Aberdeen (Come as You Are and all). Long story short, the whole experience was an absolute head changer for me that I will never forget. Love the area, and can't wait to make it back out there.
mt. Rain Dog is a local name for Mt. Rainier which has a bit of a spiritual connection for me. Also "Rain Dogs" was the name of the hockey team I played for in Schweinfurt Germany, the name comes from the fact we didn't have a covered rink, so it rained, and it sucked, and we did more fighting like dogs than scoring goals.
Seattle? Tacoma? My old man lives on the Puget Sound
That's where you messed up, you want the leaves ABOVE the light. Everyone knows sunlight is used by the microbes in the soil not the leaves.
Ahhh I see but because the earth is larger the microbes pass off the energy to the plants rootballs!! So a larger pot could be useful for indoor growing, thanks! These are the scientific nuances I missed!
I've only been out to the Seattle area once. Work trip. Anyway, we had amazing weather the whole time. No rain, mid 70's. Absolutely perfect. Went to Mt Rainier park, Snoqualmie falls, out to the Olympic Coast where my coworker has a beach house out in Ocean Shores. Drove through Aberdeen (Come as You Are and all). Long story short, the whole experience was an absolute head changer for me that I will never forget. Love the area, and can't wait to make it back out there.
I was born in Seattle. The city has changed massively though. So has people's attitudes. It was awesome growing up there though. Ocean Shores was fun as hell too. My parents rented us scooters one year and we took them jumping the dunes, and put them through hell. And we got kicked out of the go kart track every year for being too aggressive. WTF Man! Rubbin's Racing!
I was born in Seattle. The city has changed massively though. So has people's attitudes. It was awesome growing up there though. Ocean Shores was fun as hell too. My parents rented us scooters one year and we took them jumping the dunes, and put them through hell. And we got kicked out of the go kart track every year for being too aggressive. WTF Man! Rubbin's Racing!
I used to go visit my Dad in Seattle back in the early 90's before he move to Padre Island. It was nice and clean back then. We stopped for a day coming back from AK last year..... what a shit hole. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Trash all over the hwy, a fully naked dude taking a shit against a building, people shooting up on the streets, pissing in corners, homeless everywhere... the Market was ok, but a block North,... sketchy. I was glad I was packing.
I used to go visit my Dad in Seattle back in the early 90's before he move to Padre Island. It was nice and clean back then. We stopped for a day coming back from AK last year..... what a shit hole. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Trash all over the hwy, a fully naked dude taking a shit against a building, people shooting up on the streets, pissing in corners, homeless everywhere... the Market was ok, but a block North,... sketchy. I was glad I was packing.
Tacoma the same way, my whole stay there was nothing but sirens all fucking day