Help me set up a stealth grow

Ice Cubez

Well-Known Member
Hey guys so I have a bedroom in the basement of my house and I would like to section off half of it as a grow room. I'm thinking of calling it some kind of walk in closet for my room with a secret entrance to the grow part. If possible I'd like to do a perpetual grow so maybe a couple rooms would be a good idea.
Secret rooms are the best!
If you have enough space you can put a couple tents in there to do a perpetual pretty easy. If you are handy and have some tools have fun building it yourself!
cool, for good stealth youll need carbon filters. and anywhere you can put glass without the glass heating up, just for emergency's really, not like your gonna be FLIRed as long as you fly under radar. good thing you gotta lotta room too.

This is the half of my room I want too turn into a perpetual grow/walk in closet.

This is the other side of the wall near the home theater setup.

This is the other side of my bedroom.