Help me, she is getting crunchy & acting weird.

Stargrl Chi

Active Member
I grow in hydro, her nute level is at 1400, she is a medium sized Purple Kush plant, her Ph is at 5.8, and I use 3 teaspoons per-gallon of hydrogen peroxcide for cleansing because she had a root rot or algea problem earlier in her life that she still struggles with.

I am just starting my plant into flowering and she has started to get crunchy..:?

Some of her lower leaves are starting to curl downwards and become really crunchy. The odd thing is that when it starts the leaves are still all green.
She didn't have this problem when I changed her water and started her into flowering but a day or so later her strange symptoms started getting worse over time. I don't know what to do I can't identify this problem in my grow book. Please tell me what you guys thing is going on.

I don't know or if it’s because I have to strong of a nutrient mix or if its to low. 1400 PPM seems right or even a bit high to me.

There might be multiple problems, the crunchy leafs and the leaves twisting at weird angles. I remember reading somewhere that the leafs twisting at 180 degree angels means its some kind of deficiency but I can't recall which one it is, or how to fix it. :sad:

Recently some of the leaves on one of her sprouts started a new thing. It looks all weird and bumpy like spots of it are dying in between the veins of the leaf.

More pictures of that problem will be posted soon.

Here is an addition of more recent pictures of my plants problems:



Active Member
i seem to be having the same problem... i think it might be attributed to too high ppm... and probably a certain deficiency... could be overwatering... i'm interested to her what the pros have to say...


Well-Known Member
I was curious to know if you increased the PPM gradually as you started flowering, and what you had your PPM during veg? Thanks


Well-Known Member
I use an old axiom, can't remember where I first saw it. If in doubt flush it out. I think it might have been Jorge. Your plant looks normal to me. If all the leaves looked like that I would worry. Leaves are shed by the plants when they are not needed. Maybe I'm missing something, my eyes aren't that good anymore. VV


Well-Known Member
Looks like PH fluctuation causing MG not to be available - im guessing...

Was your PH 5.8 solid all the time? seems like it might have dipped to 5.0 - 5.5 (locking out MG for awhile) - maybe a few days to a week?

Keep PH and PPM right, flush if needed... you cant fix the damage done, but you should be able to stop it from getting worse... if you correct it soon, it shouldnt hurt anything in the long run.

Stargrl Chi

Active Member
I was curious to know if you increased the PPM gradually as you started flowering, and what you had your PPM during veg? Thanks
I did not gradually raise my PPM when I started flowering. Her PPM was at 1200 when she was last in veg and I raised it with the new blooming nutes right away. Now that I say it out loud it sounds a bit harsh. Should I have started out lower then I was in veg? Should I lower her PPM?

Stargrl Chi

Active Member
Looks like PH fluctuation causing MG not to be available - im guessing...

Was your PH 5.8 solid all the time? seems like it might have dipped to 5.0 - 5.5 (locking out MG for awhile) - maybe a few days to a week?

Keep PH and PPM right, flush if needed... you cant fix the damage done, but you should be able to stop it from getting worse... if you correct it soon, it shouldnt hurt anything in the long run.

That is good to hear, I will be watching my Ph closely to see if that is the case. For a flush should I just put Ph correct water and no nutes at all?

Stargrl Chi

Active Member
I use an old axiom, can't remember where I first saw it. If in doubt flush it out. I think it might have been Jorge. Your plant looks normal to me. If all the leaves looked like that I would worry. Leaves are shed by the plants when they are not needed. Maybe I'm missing something, my eyes aren't that good anymore. VV
What about the leaves twisting like that? No one has said anything about them. Dose that look normal to you? What do you think could cause such a thing?


Well-Known Member
whats up bro ive been runnin my widow around 1800ppm and she is flowering beautifully i dont think 1400 is even that high might be ur ph i keep mine around 5.3 to 5.7


Well-Known Member
Is that just me or is that root rot on the new pics...i thought roots had to be white...if it is...shit!

Stargrl Chi

Active Member


Well-Known Member
What air pump are you using, I'm wondering if the plant is getting a lack of oxygen in the roots, which in turn is sending them bad and causing the problems above soil.

Stargrl Chi

Active Member
What air pump are you using, I'm wondering if the plant is getting a lack of oxygen in the roots, which in turn is sending them bad and causing the problems above soil.
I'm glad you are wondering, because it seems I need your help.

I have a 8 inch long air diffuser stone right up under her at all times.
that plant looks like its been on drugs and has probably been involved in prostitution and gang activity thruoghout its life that root rots also abit narly maybe stop flicking your boogas into the resevoir keep the water clean and dont use toilet water o_0
If you got algaes growing in your tank then pump up the dissolved oxygen to try remove the algaes food (dead bacteria from not enough o2) flush the roots to try and sterilise that brown clump best you can.
I think h202 woould actually be causing slight cell damage to the roots and probably making it easier for microbes to attack.
h202 probably good as a once in a blue moon or emergency wash but it shouldnt be constantly hittin the plant... its poison.


Well-Known Member're way overdoing the ppm. I'd back off to 1/4 strength nutes for a few days until that poor thing starts getting sorted out then go up again VERY slowly and nowhere near 1400 until they are at least several weeks into 12/12....IF then.

I'm afraid I have to disagree about the peroxide being poison....I use it consistently during veg and the only reason I don't use it consistently during flower is because I use Cannazyme and you can't use both of them together. Hydrogen peroxide has been recommended to me by several people who's opinion I value highly and I can honestly say it's helped my plants quite a bit.

What nutes and ppm meter are you using? My number only goes up to 1400 between weeks 5-9 of bloom (measured w/Hanna @ 500) and I add a fair amount of supplements to my plants so only about 1000 of my ppm is base nutes.

Keep ph very stable....check often.

Good luck.