Help me troll thieves


Well-Known Member
abandon is right, we need to ratchet the drama to super subtle levels.

sorry abandon, i will not be making friends with these kids though. some trolling will be done, even if it happens months or years from now.


Well-Known Member
Make a facebook account called "the stolen plant"
And troll him a little on facebook for a while

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Rape them..
Rape their parents in front of them while pig tied..
And cut off their eyelids so they'd have to watch.

Then shove up a huge cola from the biggest plant you've got up their ass like
hitler in little nikki.



Well-Known Member
one starred...

but if you can find a way into his house when nobody is home you can get him with this.



Well-Known Member
Fuck, Buck.

I admire your desire for revenge, but that is contra-indicated by the knowledge that it's a fucking PLANT we are talking about.

I have had plants stolen by neighborhood juvenile delinquents who knew I knew who they were, in a non-legal state; so I feel your anger.

Perhaps the answer is in your trolly soul.

Troll them in real life.

You can do it; and make their lives a 'living hell,' in teenager terms.

Just think about what mortifies teeny boppers if their friends were to find out, and 'expose' them.

Make them look 'lame' to their peers.

Aside: BTW, Screw all the blacklisters out there. The only way I can access this site safely is through a VM. :finger:


Active Member
i say!
become their mentor/trainer..

first scare the absolute shit out of him..
catch him alone or lure him somewhere
wear a presidential mask, like regan or nixon or some shit.
tie him up for hours, dont say a word
then give him some speech about how his life is now yours or your going to the police and getting him arrested
bring him over have him do the shit work for you
slowly... over time... build a bond with this kid
turn him from a little shit into a big shit and then eventually, maybe one day, hell be dirt and not shit.

its better than just scarring him, then hes just a scarred little shit


Ursus marijanus
i say!
become their mentor/trainer..

first scare the absolute shit out of him..
catch him alone or lure him somewhere
wear a presidential mask, like regan or nixon or some shit.
tie him up for hours, dont say a word
then give him some speech about how his life is now yours or your going to the police and getting him arrested
bring him over have him do the shit work for you
slowly... over time... build a bond with this kid
turn him from a little shit into a big shit and then eventually, maybe one day, hell be dirt and not shit.

its better than just scarring him, then hes just a scarred little shit
How do you do that and not end up in jail? Kidnapping is quite the felony. cn


Well-Known Member
hide behind a tree and yell out ' is a rotter' when he passes by (climb back and hide in tree).


Well-Known Member
Buck if you do decide to call the cops make sure you got video or pictures of them doing it or make sure they still got the weed cause if it's just you and your neighbors word without any actual evidence the cops won't be able to do anything for you.

Another thing to do to him if he knows it's you that owned the plants,every time you see his mom or dad start talking to them about anything but make sure he don't know what you're saying,that'll probably mind fuck him.

And since it's June im gonna assume the plant was still in veg,I bet his dumbass tried to smoke all the leaves lol.