Help me tweak my garden

shasa farms

I'm working with a 1000w reversible, my garden opens up to the outside so not much on ventilation yet, wish i new how to post pix, i know that would help much.


Well-Known Member
I'm working with a 1000w reversible, my garden opens up to the outside so not much on ventilation yet, wish i new how to post pix, i know that would help much.
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Pictures are easy when you are posting, scroll down to manage attachments

You can add pictures that way

Good luck

shasa farms

scroll down and press: Manage Attachments

Edit:damn, TC beat me!
here we go. my big girls are going into flower this wkend. I'm planning on adding more light to the room, i have a 1000w reversible right now i'm running mh during vegging, gon add a 600w to room. should i get mh and run the reversible hps or leave the 1000 mh and add 600 hps.


shasa farms

my room is 6 ft by 5ft, i'm trying a strain called ice cream along with an assortment of og's. anybody familiar with the flowering tendencies of ice cream