Help me understand CO2 ?


I read its carbon dioxide and that its not good for humans i also have a meter around the grow tent thats part of the alarm system. So how do i get it or what not i no i sound dumb but im a noob on this one. Thanks
First, lets lets findout if you even need it kid.

Do you have fresh air coming into your grow room ? Fresh air from outside has more than enough co2 in it .

If your room is totally sealed air tight and you cannot cut a hole .... Well then maybe consider getting a co2 tank, regulator, meter and alarm. And dispensing hose
wow just wow I don't even know how to reply...….. what has happened to the education system?

yesterday someone was going on about how they understood that photosynthesis only happened in the leaf and not the bud

carbon monoxide is not good for humans your breath out carbon dioxide
Fresh air has an ambient of 380-450ppm. The later in big cities.

I rock co2, and won't look back.

As stated above, carbon MONOXIDE kills, co2 growa plants. You breath out co2
wow just wow I don't even know how to reply...….. what has happened to the education system?

yesterday someone was going on about how they understood that photosynthesis only happened in the leaf and not the bud

carbon monoxide is not good for humans your breath out carbon dioxide

not sure what all you want to know.. plants take in co2 and give off o2, the opposite of peoples.. as demon tech has stated, normal air that we breath in has a co2 level of about 400 ppm, or parts per million, which is fine to grow plants and not enough to harm humans obviously..
if you're not adding any outside source of co2, ie, a co2 burner and or a tank to add co2 into a grow, there's zero need for measuring co2 levels.. if you're adding your own co2, a regulator would be suggested.. i think optimal co2 levels for growing plants is around 1200 ppm's, i might be a bit off on that exact number, but not too far off i do believe.. higher co2 levels are better for increaded growth of plants, but there's a level at which the increase of co2 doesn't really help with plant growth... around the 1200 or so number.. lastly, higher co2 is bad for humans.. i'm not sure on what the cut off for good for plants but bad for humans is.. i'm sure any number of members on here that runs co2 can give you precise numbers.
not sure what all you want to know.. plants take in co2 and give off o2, the opposite of peoples.. as demon tech has stated, normal air that we breath in has a co2 level of about 400 ppm, or parts per million, which is fine to grow plants and not enough to harm humans obviously..
if you're not adding any outside source of co2, ie, a co2 burner and or a tank to add co2 into a grow, there's zero need for measuring co2 levels.. if you're adding your own co2, a regulator would be suggested.. i think optimal co2 levels for growing plants is around 1200 ppm's, i might be a bit off on that exact number, but not too far off i do believe.. higher co2 levels are better for increaded growth of plants, but there's a level at which the increase of co2 doesn't really help with plant growth... around the 1200 or so number.. lastly, higher co2 is bad for humans.. i'm not sure on what the cut off for good for plants but bad for humans is.. i'm sure any number of members on here that runs co2 can give you precise numbers.
CO2 in its self is not a poisonous gas...….. the lack of oxygen in the air is the problem not CO2.....earthly air is roughly 78 %N 21%O2 CO2 accounts for less than 1 percent …..What is important is the level of oxygen unlike with CO O2 doesn't matter because the gas is poisonous.... It would take 60,000 ppm of CO2 for someone to start feeling O2 depletion....headache, dizziness, ect. in our current atmosphere....and only 200 ppm of CO why...…. because it binds to the hemoglobin and stops O2 from binding as well stopping respiration
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I've done some basic research on Co2 but have some questions for those with experience...

A burner appears to be for large scale, almost commercial type grows. So that leaves tanks vs. co2 bag's...

(1) Has anyone ever experimented much with co2 bags in a grow tent; I'm curious what the ppm would be in a closed space like a grow tent and if it makes much of a difference or is just something to buy. Obvious co2 tanks are the surest bet with maximum control... but then having to refill the tank's, up front cost, etc. IAny thoughts on the subject?

(2) At what point does co2 become of *significant* benefit with regards to light requirement? Emphasis on significant, I'd take maximum efficiency over maximum outcome any day. Does any one have experience with this? I would surmise that there is a limiting factor / lowest common denominator at this level of grow op, also with a diminishing return... Therefore does co2 show significant benefit at an exponential rate between 50-60W sq/ ft and more so between 60-70W sq/ft with a drop off at 70-80W sq/ft?

Co2 bags are a joke. I have 3x master greenhouse controllers. 2 are new backups. I used 1 to test an xxl growbag in a 5x5 tent. My ppm went from 395ppm to 410ppm. This lasted about 8 days. Then went down to 400, 1 week later 395.

Imo, not even worth it for 10.00
I figured as much... co2 "tablets", dry ice, co2 bags... I had my doubts. Much like air conditioning your house with ice cubes from your refrigerator...

co2 tanks are probably the only way to go for small to mid sized grows.
@DemonTrich -- have you had any experience with co2 tanks? I would think that a co2 burner would be for larger setups. Am I wrong? How have you done with versus without co2?

Tanks for home growa
Gens for commercial applications

Just remember to get a clean burn with a geny ot risk bad things happening