Help me with After Germination!!


New Member
My seeds have just germinated and i want to put them in a 10 day starter box before i move them outside. What should i be doing like LIGHT wise with them. I was just gonna plant them root down in soil with a 23W CFL light on them 24 hrs a day. IS that alright?:peace:


Well-Known Member
Just for 10 days? I think that's alright. They sell little light socket "Y" splitters at hardware stores (Home Depot type place) for like $2 that will allow you to double it up if needed. Keep an eye on them and if they start stretching like crazy, add more light.


Well-Known Member
you want the nodes(branched) to be very close to eachother to get a bushy plant but if the plant strechs the space between the nodes can be inchs this means a tall plant with less buds,
I'd do 18/6 . especally if your planning on putting them outside get them used to some darkness, they need rest


Well-Known Member
I don't know much about outdoor. If you're planting them 10 days after they break through the soil, they'll probably just have a few sets of leaves. If you see your plant is 4" tall but really thin with small leaves, you don't have enough light. You can put those CFL's really close to the top of the plant. I think 2-4" away is safe. If your hand doesn't feel hot under it, the plant will be ok. If you can find another CFL or a 2' flourescent of something it would help. More light is better...


Active Member
i think that may work but if you could keep them inside under like 4 CFLs for 15 days that would be good, thats what i did and they were still a little stretchy but nothing to worry about any ways i thru em outside and they took off ahha the stem doubled in thickness within 2 weeks, but i live in the desert so the sun is super intense almost like a steroid for em that and some superthrive. Good luck bro