Help me with my 2 week old plant (+rep)


Well-Known Member
Strain: Sour cream- (G13XHaze)XSour Diesel

Soil: 80% Fox Farm Ocean Ocean Forrest 20% MG perlite

water: tap water (from a well so there is no chlorine)

Lighting: 2X 27 watt 5500k CFLs

I watered it then was gone for three days and when I came back the soil was dried out and it looked horrible.

It was looking so good before and now its almost dead i think. This is my first grow so I can't tell if this is underwatering, overwatering or something else

The first two are my plant most recently and the last two are from 4 days earlier.


I would flush with PH balanced water, not just straight well water. Flush it and forget it for 2-4 days under a lamp. Your plant is probably wilted due to something with the water or your nutes and probably a combo of both.


Well-Known Member
It looks like your ph is too low. Check it if you can. If not, get some bottled water that is purified using reverse osmosis and flush. I wouldnt introduce nutes until its 6th set of leaves grow.


Well-Known Member
The confusing thing is that the last time I posted about this plant with the second two pictures everyone said it was overwatering


Well-Known Member
Plants in little pots or cups will dry out quick. You need a ph meter if you don't already have one and I'm not so sure about the well water. If you have had the well water tested recently you would know the mineral content. Nothing wrong with tap water but check your ph. If you are not sure about the tap water use distilled or set a bucket outside and catch the rain water. Good Luck.