Help me with my 2nd first grow


Active Member
Ok. I'm having to start a new grow bc my first one sucked donkey dicks. I'm starting with afghan kush, vanilla kush and purple kush in FFOF soil. I'm going to use 10in pots. My setup is an armoire painted white complete with fans. My last plants were perfectly healthy until like week 4 when they got lockout and were dead within like 4 days. My question for you guys is if I should do 12/12 from seed bc I already spent like a month on the failed grow and I really want some bud. Problem is idk how much yield I will get doing 12/12 from seed and I'd really like to get 2 oz per plant. So I am open to vegging if necessary. Just need some advice from seasoned growers. Thanks in advance guys.


New Member
In your first grows you cannot be impatient, that's where mistake after mistake happens.

Do not start seeds from 12/12, just start over in veg with the 18/6 lighting for at least 4 weeks. Being you are in FFOF you should be good. Did you add any dolomite lime, perlite or anything else? Straight FFOF may burn weak strains but I've had only a few that couldn't handle the FFOF hot soil.

In FFOF you will not need to add nutes at all in veg. Being FFOF is pHed around 6.5 all you need to do is water it correctly(allow soil to almost completely dry) and make sure the pH going in is between 6.3-6.8 depending on if the pH of the runoff is going up or down. Goal is to be as close to 6.5 as possible for runoff.

Once plants begin to show signs of a deficiency then you begin nutes. Experienced growers know ahead of time when that usually is but beginners are better off using less nutes later then more nutes earlier. Most likely you will either get a cal or mag issue which can be resolved by using CalMagPlus, or you will begin to see leaves go to light green/yellow meaning they need grow nutes. Just forget about nutes now and get through veg. Post your progress and any issues along the way and we'll see if we can get you through your first successful grow.

What do you have for lights again?


Active Member
I added perlite and 2 tablespoons lime per 10in plant. I'm using CFL. Mixed spectrum for veg. And I have about 400 true watts.


Well-Known Member
In your first grows you cannot be impatient, that's where mistake after mistake happens.

Do not start seeds from 12/12, just start over in veg with the 18/6 lighting for at least 4 weeks. Being you are in FFOF you should be good. Did you add any dolomite lime, perlite or anything else? Straight FFOF may burn weak strains but I've had only a few that couldn't handle the FFOF hot soil.

In FFOF you will not need to add nutes at all in veg. Being FFOF is pHed around 6.5 all you need to do is water it correctly(allow soil to almost completely dry) and make sure the pH going in is between 6.3-6.8 depending on if the pH of the runoff is going up or down. Goal is to be as close to 6.5 as possible for runoff.

Once plants begin to show signs of a deficiency then you begin nutes. Experienced growers know ahead of time when that usually is but beginners are better off using less nutes later then more nutes earlier. Most likely you will either get a cal or mag issue which can be resolved by using CalMagPlus, or you will begin to see leaves go to light green/yellow meaning they need grow nutes. Just forget about nutes now and get through veg. Post your progress and any issues along the way and we'll see if we can get you through your first successful grow.

What do you have for lights again?
THIS is very good advise.


Well-Known Member
These plants are resilient. Never give up on one. Use it as a learning experience. Next time flush it out. If that don't work because the water doesn't drain - then you know you have bad drainage. So next time you add things that help drainage. Things like that are a big deal over a course of time. 10 inch pots? I'd use (depending on you L/L) but first week in august if your in CALI. If your indoor hydro on round 2 veg for a couple weeks and get some yield that way then 12/12. You won't get 12/12 to produce 2 oz from the get go. Patience my friend. I bet from a seed you'd be luck to get 1/8th of dried - really. I had massive lock out and dead issues like you and I used it as a learning plant and kid you not - its going to yield 1 oz at the minimum of SFV-OG; a freakin' tough plant to grow in water or soil. Trimming etc.
Ok. I'm having to start a new grow bc my first one sucked donkey dicks. I'm starting with afghan kush, vanilla kush and purple kush in FFOF soil. I'm going to use 10in pots. My setup is an armoire painted white complete with fans. My last plants were perfectly healthy until like week 4 when they got lockout and were dead within like 4 days. My question for you guys is if I should do 12/12 from seed bc I already spent like a month on the failed grow and I really want some bud. Problem is idk how much yield I will get doing 12/12 from seed and I'd really like to get 2 oz per plant. So I am open to vegging if necessary. Just need some advice from seasoned growers. Thanks in advance guys.


New Member
Sounds good. That lime will help you keep the pH in check down the road and it will also help with later cal-mag issues. Temps between 75-85 day/65-72 night. Keep humidity at 50% or above the first 3 weeks, after that 40-50% is fine until the last few weeks where below 40% is ideal. Don't mist. Keep lights a few feet away at first but watch for stretch. As I said before in one of your posts, T5 lighting is best for early veg, even cfl lights, but as long as you can keep the canopy temps, or in a seedlings case the area above the top leaves cool enough it shouldn't matter. Dry/Wet watering cycle. In 10" pots for seedlings I imagine one could easily go 10 days without watering depending on environment and temps. Lift those pots to feel the weight after watered, and lift em every day so you get an idea of the weight loss from water being used up.
nonuggests is correct in saying you should veg for 2 months, or in my case I do 50 days but I use root enhancers, fabric pots and microbe mixes early on so I've somewhat mastered my growing style and can grow large girls in much shorter periods of time then before. Be sure to journal your entire grow, from what day it is in, when you water, how much you watered, what if anything was in water when you begin to nute, pH readings, any issues and so on. That way the next grow you can predict things better and make changes to help your grow work better, and by the time you get a half dozen grows or so under your belt you have your own custom system that hopefully works well.
I suggest for pruning to not top or fim or lollipop the first time out. Just grow it out with as little pruning as possible. Allow any dying leaves, whether by deficiency or overnute, or just the natural process, to fall off on it's own. Then the next round maybe top or fim and see how that goes. Then later on learn other pruning techniques like lollipopping and supercropping, LSTing and so on. My point is BE PATIENT. Do not try too many things, products or experiments at once. Keep it simple the first few grows, gradually add to your growing technique.
Be sure to pop up a pic every week so we can see progress and get feedback.


Active Member
Thehole thanks man. Perfect advice. I decided to veg for 4 weeks using nothing but water. No nutes. I would do longer but I'm sure any longer and the plants would outgrow my box in flower. But a lot of the things you said I was not doing. I'm going to start journaling.


Active Member
Question for you guys... I'm thinking about flowering nutes now bc I have the money and don't wanna spend it on other shit. What nutes do u guys reccomend? I had bought Ff grow big for veg but won't be needing it bc I'm only vegging for a month and ffof ha enough in it for that.


Active Member
Ok. It's day 7 and 2 of my 3 plants are growing just fine. But my vanilla kush just seems to be stuck. Its hella small compares to the other two. Anyone else had this problem?

Oh yea. The other two are 1 purple kush and 1 afghan kush