Help me with my next Grow Ops


Ok I want to Grow no more then 30 no less then 25 plants.:arrow: Goal I want to get at lease QP(112grams) to a pound (448grams) A Plant ... How Likely can i reach this goal you tell me...

What size the Pots should be... Soil or Hydro if soil what kind?

Tent or just Floor Space...

Lights...LED or 600w hps or 1000w or a mix & how many...

What type of food... Adv Nutes - Farm nutes...

Co2 n no Co2

Don't worry bout what type plants, cost etc... just let me know if it can be down... Dry weight


Well-Known Member
well let me be the first to tell you that its not as easy as it sounds to pull a pound a plant but it is posable the most inportent thing is what strains your going to be running cause if you dont have good high yeilding strains then you can forget about pulling a p a plant . Second thing is your going to want to go with a big pot about 5 gallons or bigger so the roots have all the growing room they need . Then lighting is the next one and every one has there owen way of lighting i perfer 1000w hps for flower and for vegging i use t5 florecents and they have always done me good and your going to want to veg for i would say about 6 weeks to get her nice and big and strong before flower . Now i perfer hydro over soil just cause i like to be able to controll every thing my plants take in through the water and in soil its all in the soil but thats just me . i also like doing organice nutes cause its just better for the plants . A nother thing that kick ass about organices is that you cant burn your plants with it unlike senthedice nute its really easy to burn them so all and all you have a lot to think about but yes it can be done just know that its not as easy planting a seed theres a lot that goes into it but think about how your going to do it like lighting and hydro or soil and indoor or out and what nutes and then you can send me a message with what you have in mind and i will do my best to help you out so good luck bro


Active Member
I'm not going to respond with any useful information because you are obviously no where close to doing this if you think a pound is 448 grams.


Active Member
"A nother thing that kick ass about organices is that you cant burn your plants with it unlike senthedice nute "

Seriously dude,
1. Get a spell checker
2. You can burn a plant just as fast with organic as you can with "synthetics".


thanks 4 the info took sum of ur advice, got a tent holds 32 pots 2 gallon pots but i had to drop that down to 25 5 gallon pots , tent comes with 2 light fixtures cool tube 1000w n a cabon filter cost me a pretty penny, did sum test runs and my main problem is temp, seeds i pick is Super Sour OG drops 3-4 lbs a plant im gonna grow 5 first b4 i go full throttle. Nutes thinking advance but idk yet, other then that wish me luck


Active Member
ouch..ppl gotta bust their jokes...anywho..hydro synthetics is the way to go if u want huge harvests..the best growers can get 1 gram per watt of light with the right genetics and full time care. but if youve never grown dro there is a cruel learning curve you first crop will pry be shit..not hating here jus saying what ive seen. dro is like a full time job and if you dont put alot into it then it goes south quickly. growing on soil is more forgiving..takes longer and harvest less. bigger plants make more bud.. long veg 6-8 weeks. pot sizes should be at least 5gal if on dirt. lighting...i would stay away from the 1000w lamps they make alot of heat. id go with two 600w one hps and one MH. blending light spec. is a new trend in growing but it works great..or you could do 1 600w hps with a blue enhanced spec. buld on a light mover. that would be the way to go if u can put an a/c in the room..summer is commin right up. the 600w can be closer to the plant so better lighting. fox farm nutes are great. growing tech. like supper cropping and trimming your plants to the lolly pop shape are a must. u wana trim that way so the main cola swells up and there are fewer lower buds that wont develope well in a sea of green type grow... hope i helped..more then the rest of these ass holes anyhow. dont trip ninja i cant spell ether yo! fuk yall hatterz! im out