Help Me With My Outdoor Planting


Active Member
ok im very much new at growin my own plants. i hav a few friends that do it but they all grow indoors. i got no space but a good patch of land i wanna put some plants in. can any1 giv me the beginners guide sorta run down on how to do it the cheapest and fastest way OUTDOORS?? any help would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Well after many years of not growing I am growing again and outside in Costa Rica, the temps are similiar to yours. I find growning outside the most enjoyable way and the most potent way of growing. The most important element is the soil prep in the hole you are using, personally I like a hole about 3to 4 feet deep and 2 to 3 feet wide. I mix my manures (chicken, cow and rabbit) if available if not black cow is a good start. Compost or other material to absorb and release water slowly to the plant. I see lots of people using blood meal on this site but I have found outside that attracts animals. Bone meal and about 3 to 4 ozs of wood ash mixed into the soil will work nicely. Happy growing


Active Member
My two cents: If you want an organic harvest, do NOT use Miracle Grow! Not even the organic mix. I already made that mistake my my hydro expert almost chewed my head off.

Also, run over to your local Home Depot or hydro shop and get yourself an irrigation system and a timer. Don't convince yourself that you will remember to water them, because you won't (you're a smoker, remember!). And don't rely on your once-a-week rain event either. Set yourself up correctly from the very start; it will save you a lot of heartache later on.