Help me with my pussies!


Well-Known Member
Ok I just received a new kitten about 8 weeks old female.I already have a 6 year old cat, female, spayed.How is the best way to intro these two? The alpha cat is totally big enough to eat the little fart so im a bit scared.:-|


Well-Known Member
You might be surprised. Most larger animals are aware of the size/age difference, and will act accordingly. I had a 9 week old boxer puppy that I took around my in-laws pitbull. Taz is a well behaved dog, but you should have seen how patient he was with her.
Cats are a different beast, but they may get along just fine.


Well-Known Member
I hope so,I really don't want to take the little girl to the shelter she is skinny and needy.The lady where she came from was obviously a cunt and wasn't taking even the minimum amount of care of her.:-?


Well-Known Member
God she has been eating since she got here,but im being careful not to give her much at a time.Also she has horrid gas and teh shits cause her lovely former owner gave her no water just milk so she is passing gas like a 300 pound man on taco day.


Well-Known Member
i always wondered why that called a cat a pussy

whats new pussy cat

woah oh woah a woahhhhh oh ohhhhhh


Well-Known Member
The best thing for you to do Pookiewookiewookie is to just let them coexist. I have had my cat since I was 6, I'm 21 now... about 7 months ago a black cat showed himself in my room one morning (garage door was cracked) and I fed him, he came back, named him now I consider him mine. Him and Snowball (my first cat) had their fights the first few months but I let them do their thing and now they groom each other, share the same plate of food and sometimes sleep cuddled up together. Let them get to know each other and don't hold them back unless they get into fights of course, always let them know that is wrong. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
  • Make introductions slowly and confine your new kitten to its own room for a couple weeks
  • Begin introducing your kitten by first open the door to her room a crack and letting the other cats know she is there and vice versa
  • After a couple days put your new kitten in her carrier and let the other pets in the house in the room. Except some hissing at first but don't be discouraged.
  • You can also rub a blanket or toy against your new kitten and give it to the other cats so they can get used to her scent. Also do the same to the older cats and give the item to the kitten.
  • With in a week or two everyone should be getting along just remember to be patient


Well-Known Member
Too much work I say! Cats are cats, they will get along fine in due time as long as they are free to "inspect" each other... I think sectioning off a cat from the rest of the pets shows favoritism to the other pets, therefore I am disagree with that approach.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
They should be fine...but!Worm the kitten first and keep a separate litter for it for a while. You can also go to a farm store and buy the feline leukemia vaccine and administer it yourself.I give all my cats their shots(except rabies must be gotten at a vet),worm them,de-flea them, and generally just treat them with herbs. If I have to, I lance boils, shave, wipe asses,deliver kittens, cut and tie cords,induce labor, give antibiotics, etc....all my cats are healthy.And it saves me a lot on unnecessary vet bills if I can treat minor ailments at home. Diarrhea is like a big heads up for worms. Probably roundworms. If you actually see worms in the poop, chances are, it's a tape worm. They get them by ingesting fleas.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys the ladies have met,so far no fighting just warning hisses from big girl when the kid gets into her personal space, and no worries Stoney we have been to the vet and got the works she did have fleas and the vet said she is way behind in her tooth development prolly because of a poor diet now I just need to name the little nutcase.:peace:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
That's good, then, except for about the teeth. Here's links to some coupons, the little buggers get expensive to feed. Cat Care, Health And Nutrition For Your Cat Try a Bag Free I've gotten both of these, so theyre legit.
Ok guys the ladies have met,so far no fighting just warning hisses from big girl when the kid gets into her personal space, and no worries Stoney we have been to the vet and got the works she did have fleas and the vet said she is way behind in her tooth development prolly because of a poor diet now I just need to name the little nutcase.:peace:


Well-Known Member
i live in socal and theres a local pet shop near my house,
the lady that owns it is smart. she gives me all the general medications for ear aches and so fourth. its hard to take them to a vet every time something happens.
i did hear pet meds isnt that bad either.


Well-Known Member
Well I normally do the shots and worming here but I got caught unprepared for this little visitor.1 rabies shot,1 worming,1 dose of advantage,and a general look over cost 176.54 cents that is more than my doc visits cost but it had to be done.:neutral: