Help me with tips, please:)


Hello everyone!

I'm growing amnesia, i've heard that this strain grows really high!
I would like to know more, what size of the plant should be when i cut the head?
And if i cut till the lowest knocks, and cut abou 70% of the plant from the top. It won't die? Or it will regrow?

Thank you for your answers!
It's really dependant on the size of your grow area. You can top it as soon as it has about 4 to 6 nodes and you can top it until it flips into flower. Actually, a couple of weeks after, but it slows everything down. Anyway, yeah, I like bushy short plants so I top several times during veg. How tall is it now? Can you give some pics of the plant? I definitely wouldn't cut off 70% of it. I don't think I understand what you mean exactly. Are you talking about topping the upper 30% of the plant? Or cutting down the top 70%? Definitely don't do that, lol. It won't die, and it would regrow as long as you leave enough leaves on it, but it's not efficient. You're better off trying to tie down the top of the plant so to kinda bend it in half almost. There's other ways, like supercropping, where you break the stems and force them into submission, lol. You just gotta get creative and figure out what's best for your situation.
It's really dependant on the size of your grow area. You can top it as soon as it has about 4 to 6 nodes and you can top it until it flips into flower. Actually, a couple of weeks after, but it slows everything down. Anyway, yeah, I like bushy short plants so I top several times during veg. How tall is it now? Can you give some pics of the plant? I definitely wouldn't cut off 70% of it. I don't think I understand what you mean exactly. Are you talking about topping the upper 30% of the plant? Or cutting down the top 70%? Definitely don't do that, lol. It won't die, and it would regrow as long as you leave enough leaves on it, but it's not efficient. You're better off trying to tie down the top of the plant so to kinda bend it in half almost. There's other ways, like supercropping, where you break the stems and force them into submission, lol. You just gotta get creative and figure out what's best for your situation.

Yeah, but this is my second time i grow. Before i've had blue cheese. So it was an easy strain if compares to amnesia.
My english isn't very good, but i'll try to be as clear as i can.
In the same photo i've marked as example i would think i have cut the plant to there? Is it bad?
And how you think, i should wait few more days to get plants higher before cuting them?
Give me some tips. Im kinda new:)

Thank you so so much:)


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It might be. You think because of those white dots on the leaves?

I have this one, should i use it? Is it good product?
Yea, I noticed the white dots/squigglies while zooming in. I'm not sure what that is but, i've seen most people use Spinosad. You can buy this on amazon. It's hard for me to tell if you actually have thrips tho. You can confirm by checking the under side of your leaves. In later stages, the adults will develop wings and will be more apparent. It's something that can be managed so try not to poison your plants in a panic. Good luck!
Yea, I noticed the white dots/squigglies while zooming in. I'm not sure what that is but, i've seen most people use Spinosad. You can buy this on amazon. It's hard for me to tell if you actually have thrips tho. You can confirm by checking the under side of your leaves. In later stages, the adults will develop wings and will be more apparent. It's something that can be managed so try not to poison your plants in a panic. Good luck!
I've looked under the side of the leaves, but didn't find anything to like this.
Maybe its the drops of the water?
Anyways! Thank you for your fully answers! Means a lot to me :)
Yeah, you technically could do that, but look up cloning. Don't just hack it off and throw it away. You could get a couple of clones from that. Though, I wouldn't do anything to it either. How much longer are you going to veg for? What's the max height of your grow area? How tall is it now? I would top it at the top node and flower it now if lack of space is an issue. When you put it into flower you can figure it will probably double in size, maybe more. The key is to train when it's young. You could get something to tie it down. I use these sometimes. Here's a pic of a plant I'm about to harvest, and I used various training techniques on it. I'm still a new grower as well and am learning all the time.
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9D0288E1-3DB1-4502-A700-2209576E08B8.jpeg9D0288E1-3DB1-4502-A700-2209576E08B8.jpegC667DDFE-592E-49C2-A9AD-48135F1A4E8D.jpeg C667DDFE-592E-49C2-A9AD-48135F1A4E8D.jpeg So as i marked with the red line - it would be ok? The plant won't get too much stress? (I'm afraid not to cut the too low, so they die)...
I would like to veg for 6-7days more. The problem is about few of them. As you see in the photos, a lot of them are 20-24cm high. And few of them in the room are 7cm high.
The full space between the floor and the top is 240cm. And i add the reflectors i use so with the pot and that i think its about 180cm left for the plant, but i need to keep like 50cm between theighr


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Hello everyone!

I'm growing amnesia, i've heard that this strain grows really high!
I would like to know more, what size of the plant should be when i cut the head?
And if i cut till the lowest knocks, and cut abou 70% of the plant from the top. It won't die? Or it will regrow?

Thank you for your answers!
Make sure to use a high quality time released nutrient like mirical grow. After you harvest be sure to spray it with fungicide before you compress it into bricks so it doesnt mold.
Yeah, no, anytime you do something like cutting off part of it, then it's going to stress it. Won't kill it, just slow it down for a couple of weeks to a month while it heals. If you want to only veg for about a week more, then you don't want to top it or anything too hard on the plant. Well you can, I've done it but have learned not to now.
So you have about 130cm to let the plants grow, right? If the tallest is 24cm, and you figure it will double or triple in size. Then you can plan on them ending up roughly 70 to maybe even 90cm. That's if you flip em to flower like today, and you don't do any low steess training like tying them down or something. By my math you should have plenty of room. Don't stress on it, just leave em alone and flip em to flower in a week or two at the most. Just try to not kill em or something, lol.
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Yeah, no, anytime you do something like cutting off part of it, then it's going to stress it. Won't kill it, just slow it down for a couple of weeks to a month while it heals. If you want to only veg for about a week more, then you don't want to top it or anything too hard on the plant. Well you can, I've done it but have learned not to now.
So you have about 130cm to let the plants grow, right? If the tallest is 24cm, and you figure it will double or triple in size. Then you can plan on them ending up roughly 70 to maybe even 90cm. That's if you flip em to flower like today, and you don't do any low steess training like tying them down or something. By my math you should have plenty of room.
Hopefully all of ms-13 smokes it.
its just a nickname... you ahouldnt be that serious...
Yes, I recommend this as well. This way, not only do you poison your plants but, you can poison yourself with the fungicides as well!
Could you tell me more please?
As i said, my english isn't very good, so sometimes i dont understand everything you realy ment to say.
About this, as i think youre telling i need to put miracle gro in my soil? Is that correct?