Help me !!!!


Well-Known Member
2 big devil #2 that are 40 days old and super auto that's also 40 days old using farm grow big,big bloom,tiger bloom,open sea same,beastie bloom cha Chung please help need


Well-Known Member
Stop it! Post once then be patient! Or PM someone that seems like they'd be willing to help. And it would help if you were coherent. You're not even asking a question! Why don't you try doing a google search for your question, whatever the hell it could be.


Well-Known Member
No one can give you the ppm required for any plant start to finish.

If you are hydro then you should be monitoring and testing your reservoir every 24hours for increases/decreases in ppm.

Ppm strength during a grow will be determined by plant size, environment, feeding frequency.

If after 24hours your ppm of your reservoir has decreases over 150ppm then you can increase your ppm next reservoir change.

Really though you need to start reading about hydro basics.
