Help meme off

Disappointed I ya Gary , I have admired at your supreme rebuttals for some time on here and that's the best you could come up with? You weren't far off sweet cheeks ( that's bait ya see ..... Clever aye ) . Sucking at life is something that I have had to come accustomed to ya see I was born with an inverted cleft palet which has left me with only the ability to suck , blowing is not possible . I also battle with other demons ... I have anger management and narcissistic tendencies , I do have a support group that helps me with this , The AMNT support group , I do believe that's where you and I first met Gary , it was a brave decision of yours to come along ... So .... I am a black native Fijian Indian with an inverted cleft palet and AMNT disorder, so its know wonder I , as you so kindly pointed out , suck at life .... Bloody good thing I have recovered from my other ailment .... FOJUTD they like to call it down at the clinic .... What is FOJUTD I hear you ask ..... Its , Fear Of Jumped Up Tossers Disorder.... Had I not have recovered from that , I would fear you Gary .... " common gazza , don't be a shadow of the man you once were and fight for your right to puff thy chest out and claim your title of grand poobar of rollitup character assassinations inc ...

There ya go mate , sorry it took so long had to get out my thesaurus .... Word...

Shit I feel like Eminem on 8 mile and your my nemesis ..... Love it ...
Nah, I'm not gonna go hard on you. If you really wanted me to you would've kept it unreal. You gave me ammo that I would rather not use against you. Now all i can think about is those commercials about the kids with cleft lips. You know, the ones where they're all like " for just the price of a cup of coffee you can help these kids" Nah bruh, that aint me homie, not gonna do it.
Yep , and any Hillary Clinton supporter would have a great insight into stupidity .... Hey Bucky .... Anyway thanx very much for the entertainment , I've had a whale of a time ..... No buck , I wasn't referring to your Mrs when I said whale .... This has been quite an honor , first I rattled the nerve of the great warrior troll Gary .... Then low and behold , King Troll Know It All jumps on the band waggon .... My oh my oh my .... I can die a happy man .... My anxiety about wanting acceptance from the great warrior and king troll have gone .... The mean streets of rollitup still aren't safe .... What will become of chchhazed , will Gary return to his AMNT support group ? Has Buck fallen off his high horse ..... Will Buck finally admit he voted for Donald Trump , and is that mainliner I see preparing his armour for a return to battle? Time will tell , like sands through the hour glass , these are the Days of Our Rollitup

14 memes, you can do better than that.
I'm in no hurry to drive up my post count. Besides I'm saving up the energy
it takes for the extra posts to defile your mother repeatedly.














I'm in no hurry to drive up my post count. Besides I'm saving up the energy
it takes for the extra posts to defile your mother repeatedly.














Stop, master bate a listen
@lokie'd back with a brand New spanking.
Squeezing it tightly
Holding it, daily and nightly
When will he blow?
I don't know, turn off the lights the cum will flow..
Cum bubble bubble lokie.
Cum bubble bubble lokie
Stop, master bate a listen
@lokie'd back with a brand New spanking.
Squeezing it tightly
Holding it, daily and nightly
When will he blow?
I don't know, turn off the lights the cum will flow..
Cum bubble bubble lokie.
Cum bubble bubble lokie

you must be at least 18 years old to be a member of this site.
Still.? Really?. Mainliner is cool and all. But I'm not him.. He's twenty other socks. I'm just me
. so suck the snotty end of my fuck stick
You ciphulous infected cum bubble .( insert bag'o dicks)
Sorry bout farmer , I don't know or care who mainliner is , I just wanted to stir up these holier than thou , egotistical bombastic bell ends that bully the hell out of whom ever they want in here , wether it be noobs , well known members , active members or who ever , this Gary bullies them , belittles them , tells people to die , Gary is without doubt the epitome of a sad sad individual , and his chronies that fuel his fire by encouraging him are also undeniably mentally ill . Then there's old mate buck ..... Obviously a narcissist with deluded ideas that he is the be all and end all of growing pot. I suspect in reality both Gary and Buck were breast fed until the age of 15 , upon being weaned from the tit they found there only way to get attention was to bully and ridicule people that they believed to be weaker ..... The scary thing is , 9 out of 10 serial killers display the same narcissistic traits ..... I have grave concerns for anyone associated with these two .
Sorry bout farmer , I don't know or care who mainliner is , I just wanted to stir up these holier than thou , egotistical bombastic bell ends that bully the hell out of whom ever they want in here , wether it be noobs , well known members , active members or who ever , this Gary bullies them , belittles them , tells people to die , Gary is without doubt the epitome of a sad sad individual , and his chronies that fuel his fire by encouraging him are also undeniably mentally ill . Then there's old mate buck ..... Obviously a narcissist with deluded ideas that he is the be all and end all of growing pot. I suspect in reality both Gary and Buck were breast fed until the age of 15 , upon being weaned from the tit they found there only way to get attention was to bully and ridicule people that they believed to be weaker ..... The scary thing is , 9 out of 10 serial killers display the same narcissistic traits ..... I have grave concerns for anyone associated with these two .
Now I see that you really are just looking for attention. Quote me telling someone to die. Even though I felt pity for you and your fucked up lip, let's not forget why I started in on you in the first place.

I wasn't the one that posted the extremely racist post earlier. It was you man, and I can quote that post if you want me to.

See what you made me do? You made me make a fool out of you, again.

Smh, you're not very good at this.
Nah, I'm not gonna go hard on you. If you really wanted me to you would've kept it unreal. You gave me ammo that I would rather not use against you. Now all i can think about is those commercials about the kids with cleft lips. You know, the ones where they're all like " for just the price of a cup of coffee you can help these kids" Nah bruh, that aint me homie, not gonna do it.
Nah, I'm not gonna go hard on you. If you really wanted me to you would've kept it unreal. You gave me ammo that I would rather not use against you. Now all i can think about is those commercials about the kids with cleft lips. You know, the ones where they're all like " for just the price of a cup of coffee you can help these kids" Nah bruh, that aint me homie, not gonna do it.
Lol. All good mate . Disregard my last post calling you and buck serial killers then ....... I'm sure yous have only killed two people tops each which doesn't quantify serial killer status. Funny you mention the cleft palet ads , I had my surgery in 1984 as a 5 year old after being sponsored by the red cross , I was flown to Auckland NZ for my surgery and became the poster child for red cross in Suva. I now work for ccf as an administrator , thing is if it wasn't for my cleft palet I would more than likely be uneducated and farming in Fiji . In a way Iam privileged because of my cleft palet . I was however looking forward to you insulting me .... I have heard most insults but with your form was hoping for some new ones .... Feel free to unload them if you like .
Lol. All good mate . Disregard my last post calling you and buck serial killers then ....... I'm sure yous have only killed two people tops each which doesn't quantify serial killer status. Funny you mention the cleft palet ads , I had my surgery in 1984 as a 5 year old after being sponsored by the red cross , I was flown to Auckland NZ for my surgery and became the poster child for red cross in Suva. I now work for ccf as an administrator , thing is if it wasn't for my cleft palet I would more than likely be uneducated and farming in Fiji . In a way Iam privileged because of my cleft palet . I was however looking forward to you insulting me .... I have heard most insults but with your form was hoping for some new ones .... Feel free to unload them if you like .
Fuck that, I stopped reading after you mentioned cleft lips again:roll: I'm not going to allow to you drive this conversation. Let's stay on topic, this has nothing to do with your face. This was and has always been about your first post in this thread. Why do you keep trying to deflect?

My reply to your first post had nothing to do with wtf you're trying to make it about. Is that all you got? Make people feel sorry for you after you fuck up? Is that whats been working for you so far? Lets talk about how you posted a pic of 2 books that contained some very offensive content.

And It doesnt mater that you're not American, the word ni**er is offensive and racist as fuck.

Can we now stay on topic?
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Fuck that, I stopped reading after you mentioned cleft lips again:roll: I'm not going to allow to you drive this conversation. Let's stay on topic, this has nothing to do with your face. This was and has always been about your first post in this thread. Why do you keep trying to deflect?

My reply to your first post had nothing to do with wtf you're trying to make it about. Is that all you got? Make people feel sorry for you after you fuck up? Is that whats been working for you so far? Lets talk about how you posted a pic of 2 books that contained some very offensive content.

And It doesnt mater that you're not American, the word ni**er is offensive and racist as fuck.

Can we now stay on topic?
Sorry almighty one , consider me put in my place. I shall return to my village and crawl back under the rock you obviously think I belong ... Your mind Gary .... It is very small , peanut brain shall be your tribal name , I cordially invite you to my village , upon your arrival we will have ubundance of long pig once again .. ..

Ai tei vovo, tei vovo
E ya, e ya, e ya, e ya;
Tei vovo, tei vovo
E ya, e ya, e ya, e ya

Rai tu mai, rai tu mai
Oi au a virviri kemu bai
Rai tu mai, rai ti mai
Oi au a virviri kemu bai

Toa yalewa, toa yalewa
Veico, veico, veico
Au tabu moce koi au
Au moce ga ki domo ni biau

E luvu koto ki ra nomu waqa
O kaya beka au sa luvu sara
Nomu bai e wawa mere
Au tokia ga ka tasere
Sorry almighty one , consider me put in my place. I shall return to my village and crawl back under the rock you obviously think I belong ... Your mind Gary .... It is very small , peanut brain shall be your tribal name , I cordially invite you to my village , upon your arrival we will have ubundance of long pig once again .. ..

Ai tei vovo, tei vovo
E ya, e ya, e ya, e ya;
Tei vovo, tei vovo
E ya, e ya, e ya, e ya

Rai tu mai, rai tu mai
Oi au a virviri kemu bai
Rai tu mai, rai ti mai
Oi au a virviri kemu bai

Toa yalewa, toa yalewa
Veico, veico, veico
Au tabu moce koi au
Au moce ga ki domo ni biau

E luvu koto ki ra nomu waqa
O kaya beka au sa luvu sara
Nomu bai e wawa mere
Au tokia ga ka tasere
Again, I've never said anything about your life or village or whatever your damn hang up is. I'm talking about how you posted some fucked up shit. But you keep trying trying to avoid that subject at all cost:roll:

Please take another hour to reply. While you try your hardest to come up with a way around all this.
Again, I've never said anything about your life or village or whatever your damn hang up is. I'm talking about how you posted some fucked up shit. But you keep trying trying to avoid that subject at all cost:roll:

Please take another hour to reply. While you try your hardest to come up with a way around all this.
Sorry for the length in reply sir . One must never keep the king waiting. Ya see sir Gary , my original post was bait for you , and my bait never fails . I was reading a thread the other day , well several threads in fact , To start with you where being civil to people , not being a complete moron , then some of your old chums from the site started saying ... " oh , where is the old gary ..... and I could sence the testosterone levels rise from within you ..... I read on ... the more and more your your idiot online friends told you to go get him... bring back the old gary , the more you became an obnoxious , feral twat of a human being . You gary , and your idiot online bully brigade disgust me . I have lived in 28 countries on this planet , I have counselled children that have been the victims of bullying . I have taken ropes of the necks of teenagers and adults who have committed suicide due to bullying ... bullying by low life self absorbed ass water such as yourself ... I have seen it on this site for the entire time I have been a member .... If its not you , Buck , the almighty , I am better than everyone else ego maniac . there are a number of yous , you pick on peoples grows , you get all personal and offensive when someone disagrees with you , you's believe that your opinion is the only right one , you's are inane , inept , sad sad excuses for human beings.
Look at anoying old buck and his spamming of this site about Donald Trump , Bucks opinion is his opinion , thats fine ... but to then ridicule people for there own opinion , thats not fine .... questioning peoples opinion and debating is an acceptable way to do things , but to start calling people nazis , wankers , etc etc is not .
In your response to my last message you told me to take another hour to respond to find my way around this ..... I dont want to get around this , i want to be right in the middle of this ... Children , are taught that online bullying is not appropriate ... what somehow makes it appropriate for you lot on here ... ?? sure some of you bullies on here are damn good at growing pot ... have an abundance of knowledge , thats fine .... no need to get an ego about it . You should look at yourself as role models , etiquite costs nothing , manners cost nothing , appropriate behaviour from adults costs nothing ..... Bullying costs lives , hurts people and does more harm than you can imagine ... Now I dont expect you or your chronies on here to get the logic in that , logic seems to be the one genetic error in bullies ... I can almost sense the impending cloud that is about to unleash upon my profile here ... So be it , if you pricks giving me grief means ya leave some other poor bastard alone , I am fine with that .... I am going to continue , providing I dont get banned for saying how it is. posting to threads , sharing what knowledge I have , enjoying other peoples grows ..... I am telling ya though gazza I will be keeping an eye out for any anti social behaviour from you and your chronies , and i will jump on in to whatever thread you are doing it in and I will call you out on it ... Think whatever you will about my statements throughout this thread ... The opinion of a gutless keyboard bully is the least of my worries ..
Oh yeah , the reason i took so long to reply was because , I have a life , a bloody good life even though you suggested earlier in the thread that i should return to my unsucessful life ... or words to that effect .I dont live my life precariously through a weed growing forum like you do . I wont bore you anymore with my anti bullying rhetoric , I realise that people like yourself will never change , do never change , and dont want to change.
Im going to have a sleep now , I will be back online tommorow to feel the pain of the backlash from me calling you out , once you have removed Bucks nutsack from your mouth , you should probably get some sleep too.... could be a long day tommorow buddy
Sorry for the length in reply sir . One must never keep the king waiting. Ya see sir Gary , my original post was bait for you , and my bait never fails . I was reading a thread the other day , well several threads in fact , To start with you where being civil to people , not being a complete moron , then some of your old chums from the site started saying ... " oh , where is the old gary ..... and I could sence the testosterone levels rise from within you ..... I read on ... the more and more your your idiot online friends told you to go get him... bring back the old gary , the more you became an obnoxious , feral twat of a human being . You gary , and your idiot online bully brigade disgust me . I have lived in 28 countries on this planet , I have counselled children that have been the victims of bullying . I have taken ropes of the necks of teenagers and adults who have committed suicide due to bullying ... bullying by low life self absorbed ass water such as yourself ... I have seen it on this site for the entire time I have been a member .... If its not you , Buck , the almighty , I am better than everyone else ego maniac . there are a number of yous , you pick on peoples grows , you get all personal and offensive when someone disagrees with you , you's believe that your opinion is the only right one , you's are inane , inept , sad sad excuses for human beings.
Look at anoying old buck and his spamming of this site about Donald Trump , Bucks opinion is his opinion , thats fine ... but to then ridicule people for there own opinion , thats not fine .... questioning peoples opinion and debating is an acceptable way to do things , but to start calling people nazis , wankers , etc etc is not .
In your response to my last message you told me to take another hour to respond to find my way around this ..... I dont want to get around this , i want to be right in the middle of this ... Children , are taught that online bullying is not appropriate ... what somehow makes it appropriate for you lot on here ... ?? sure some of you bullies on here are damn good at growing pot ... have an abundance of knowledge , thats fine .... no need to get an ego about it . You should look at yourself as role models , etiquite costs nothing , manners cost nothing , appropriate behaviour from adults costs nothing ..... Bullying costs lives , hurts people and does more harm than you can imagine ... Now I dont expect you or your chronies on here to get the logic in that , logic seems to be the one genetic error in bullies ... I can almost sense the impending cloud that is about to unleash upon my profile here ... So be it , if you pricks giving me grief means ya leave some other poor bastard alone , I am fine with that .... I am going to continue , providing I dont get banned for saying how it is. posting to threads , sharing what knowledge I have , enjoying other peoples grows ..... I am telling ya though gazza I will be keeping an eye out for any anti social behaviour from you and your chronies , and i will jump on in to whatever thread you are doing it in and I will call you out on it ... Think whatever you will about my statements throughout this thread ... The opinion of a gutless keyboard bully is the least of my worries ..
Oh yeah , the reason i took so long to reply was because , I have a life , a bloody good life even though you suggested earlier in the thread that i should return to my unsucessful life ... or words to that effect .I dont live my life precariously through a weed growing forum like you do . I wont bore you anymore with my anti bullying rhetoric , I realise that people like yourself will never change , do never change , and dont want to change.
Im going to have a sleep now , I will be back online tommorow to feel the pain of the backlash from me calling you out , once you have removed Bucks nutsack from your mouth , you should probably get some sleep too.... could be a long day tommorow buddy
Wow buddy, you go to great lengths to cover up how much of a racist piece of shit you are. Whole walls of text that have nothing to do with your bullshit ass post.
A million walls of text and a thousand ways you try to spin it won't erase this bullshit.
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