HELP!!! Mid-Flower and MAJOR LOSS of fan leaves!!!


Well-Known Member
Im in about week 7 of a WW grow. My buds started swelling and crystal production began about 2 weeks ago, so im in the final streth of waiting. However, my upper fan leaves are curling up, dying, and turning brown from the tips inward. There are brown spots throughout many of the upper fan leaves. This all started about a week ago, and is progressing FAST! What the hell is going on?
Heat stress?
Lack of water stress?
Nute deficiencies?... my ph is 6.6 and I flush every 3 weeks...

my lower fan leaves have slowly turned yellow, which I see as normal in these stages of flowering.

ALSO, if you cannot help on the above problem, do you think that my buds will stop developing? will the lack of fan leaves cause such a steep drop in energy that the plants receive, such that the buds will not have enough energy to ripen? Im not expecting further bud growth at this point, only for the existing buds to swell and ripen.

Would the small leaves around buds catch enough light to sustain the bud development?

at this point im accepting the fact that real growth will continue, bc the fan leaves are lost forever... im just really worried that my half-developed yeild will stay stuck at its current state... ANY THOUGHTS!?!?!!?

ill put up some pics once i find my camera cord...

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Nutrient burn. Sounds like you got it bad.

Time to clean out that media with a massive flushing. If your temps are high, and your pH unknown, then those factors certainly aren't helping you. Get it dialed and flush your plants.


Well-Known Member
Thanks... but I did say I know by pH is 6.6 and I DO flush every 3 weeks.
I use the FF nute regiment, at a very light level. Im not discounting that it could be nute burn, it just seems that it would be hard with this much effort to avoid it...

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
How much runoff do you collect and remove at every feeding? Liters and percent collected versus used.


Well-Known Member
Well I dont collect the runoff into containers, I do it in th bathtub. But I can imagine, that for every two liters that I feed it, probably about half a liter comes out in runoff...leaving it at 25% runoff vs used. again, this is an estimate. if you dont mind me asking, what does this matter, since its during feeding? I could see wondering how much runoff during a straight plain water watering...

but thank for your help so far I really do appreciate it


Well-Known Member
Yo snowcrash honestly ive never heard of someone collecting thier runoff when watering soil plants... I really just have no idea what ur asking. Ive done several very sucsessful grows under the same EXACT conditions. thats why this is baffling me so much


Active Member
Sorry to kind of jump into this post, but im about halfway through flower with my Special K (Northen lights x OG kush) and im having a similar problem. For the last week or so the lower fan leaves have all been turning yellow fast, and its spreading throughout the middle of the plant. Not only that, but small brownish purple spots are starting to pop up on the middle and top leaves.

Im pretty sure, not positive though that its not nute burn, overwatering, and heat burn. I have been feeding her Floragrows Florabloom, and i just found out i was supposed to be mixing it Floragrow, and floramicro (for veg and going into flower) through out flowering as well, which i havent been. Is it a deficiency from not giving her the right nutes? Could it have caused a lockout?

This is my second grow and i know nothing about this stuff... pleeease help i dont want my nice buds to get hurt. I cant exactly get pics either unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
well if your having the same problems as me, Im thinking it could be a Mg or Calcium deficiency, but nothing improved when i watered with espoms salts. I wish I could get a pic up to show ppl.

has anyone had these problems and sucsessfully identified/solved them???

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Have your plants recently told you they needed water? Like you open it up and go "Oh shit they are drooping I need to water fast".


Well-Known Member
I keep them watered at an ideal level. I have a moisture meter within the soil, and keep the soil at optimum ranges. I water when it dries out, but dont let it stay parched for too long.
dude ur not understanidn without pics we can not help you it could be one of a million things its like calling the doctor and saying u got a red bumpy rash on ur back it could be chicken pocks it could be shingles it could be poision ivy but unless we see it we CANT TELL


iHey Bonzi Light house, If your plants have needed water desperately before, could the yellowing be due to my inadequate watering cycle?


Well-Known Member
Well I dont collect the runoff into containers, I do it in th bathtub. But I can imagine, that for every two liters that I feed it, probably about half a liter comes out in runoff...leaving it at 25% runoff vs used. again, this is an estimate. if you dont mind me asking, what does this matter, since its during feeding? I could see wondering how much runoff during a straight plain water watering...

but thank for your help so far I really do appreciate it
Well if the run off pH is crazy then you know that the pH is causing you some issues, and usually if the runoff is more acid, then there are more nutes coming out than you put in...thus meaning that you are in fact overfeeding...this is the appeal of coco to me..I can ppm the water before and after so I know I have it right...with soil you might water with 150 and get runoff in the 900s...just with all the debris and soil and what have you that just gets in the water when you use soil...

But you definitely have nute burn...and the plant won't recover...nor will the buds get much bigger, in my extensive experience over fertilizing plants I have found this to be true...but I guess you could try if you want to...but it is a huge deal in flower...deficiencies don't make leaves dry out and the tips brown, but over ages do.


Well-Known Member
I use cal mag with every watering from veg thru
flower with great results and never a deficiency
of any kind all the way thru.