Help!!! Might went too far with LST


Active Member
I wish everyone stfu already,
My baby girl took off like a rocket so I'm no longer concerned about your thoughts and opinions. F.y.i anyone who's giving info from what they learned from a text book is irrelevant to me because I guarantee you your just telling something I already know. But what I will never know is your first hand experience in a situation. That's what I was asking for if yall was listening. So if you can't give me that, then I don't need your help.

P.S my next thread will be called, " Harvest Day" so I'm gucci
Wow your a little arrogant fuck aren't you? next time you have a problem and need our help I doubt anyone will assist.
Be more polite to these people they are taking time out of their day and energy that could be used to further their own crop to assist yours.