HELP!! Mold growing on my soil or..? I'm at a loss, need help!


I guess if you let them pile up deep that could happen. Usually they just get crispy and dry up.
they aren't piling up like crazy but the soil is a bit moist on top and overwatered, so maybe the clippings could've been trapping moisture back and forth?


Well-Known Member
Maybe. The take-home point here is to let the top of your soil dry out thoroughly between every watering. Like powdery crumbly dry.


Maybe. The take-home point here is to let the top of your soil dry out thoroughly between every watering. Like powdery crumbly dry.
for sure man, i definitely messed up this past week but everyone here helped me realize my mistake. Thanks for your and everyone elses help!


Well-Known Member
maybe your soil wasn't cooked thoroughly, i've seen similar mold and thought it was a good sign, that things were breaking down. Not meaning the soil is necessarily ready, but maybe saying it has balanced life in the soil?
Just a thought, if you inoculate it with a compost tea, i'm sure your plant would love it!

i thought it was mycelium?


maybe your soil wasn't cooked thoroughly, i've seen similar mold and thought it was a good sign, that things were breaking down. Not meaning the soil is necessarily ready, but maybe saying it has balanced life in the soil?
Just a thought, if you inoculate it with a compost tea, i'm sure your plant would love it!

i thought it was mycelium?
is mycelium wet or dampish sometimes? I'd assume so considering it takes moisture for it grow. That's probably it if so, i've heard that it might be okay to let stay but i can't find anything about mycelium being beneficial to root growth. --would this be something beneficial to do once i transplant to 5gal buckets?


Well-Known Member
If you are sure it's not some type of insect webbing then it is probably mold. Make sure you have some air moving around in there and let the surface of the soil dry out real well and it should go away.
X2 Air movement and lower humidity. Closed areas like closests need good air exchange too.


Well-Known Member
If this is Mycelium and not some other mold, the way i understand it
Mycelium is breaking down shit in the soil, so yeah it's benefiting your plants because it's taking non-usable plant food, and converting it into usable plant food.

if you dig a little and smell the pot, and smells rotten, you have a case of root rot

otherwise, i'd take the mycelium as a sign that the soil is alive, and i'd do my best to keep the bacteria aerobic, by not over-watering, and by inoculating it with a compost tea


If this is Mycelium and not some other mold, the way i understand it
Mycelium is breaking down shit in the soil, so yeah it's benefiting your plants because it's taking non-usable plant food, and converting it into usable plant food.

if you dig a little and smell the pot, and smells rotten, you have a case of root rot

otherwise, i'd take the mycelium as a sign that the soil is alive, and i'd do my best to keep the bacteria aerobic, by not over-watering, and by inoculating it with a compost tea
I don't have root rot yet but they were rootbound, they're going to be repotted into 5gal (from 3) and hopefully be looking all pretty for their first days of flower. The drainage in the smaller containers was lackluster at best as well, they are going to absolutely love their bigger buckets i'm sure. Adding some more perlite too, can really never have too much and it will help the drainage and keep the buckets extremely light.