Help!! Moldy Soil


Hi, bit of a beginner grower and having an annoying issue reoccur. The soil on the top inch of the pot keeps turning white/mouldy. We have enough ventilation, there is not too much heat running only a 250watt cfl. We do not let the soil dry out but let it dry to a certain extent before watering. We are growing 2x auto hash and 4x auto pounders in apprx a 5ft long, 3 foot tall 3 foot wide box. We have 2 vent holes, one for intake one for outtake, just waiting on CO2 scrubber. No idea why this mould keeps growing... any ideas on how to stop this mould or get rid of it? Any natural fungicide I can make at home? Thanks for any input.... PS, My "Enter button" is not working, sorry for no paragraphs! Any help appreciated.


Well-Known Member
You've scoped it and know it is mold? Here's something you can try that won't do any harm if it does not work, assuming you are not doing an organic grow. Put about a shot glass of 3.5% hydrogen peroxide into a gallon or so of water. Water the top of the soil lightly with this mix, just trying to get the top inch a little damp. This has worked on molds for me but no guarantees as I'm sure there are a billion varieties of mold!


Well-Known Member
I had the same thing going on one of my grows from wat I was able to find out its ok its "good mold" wat I did was just mix the top soil a little.I did it a few times n then it stop showing. Best of luck


Agree with bugeye. As long as it's not organic....( using chem feet )
as TITO.M states in a healthy organic grow, this is normal to be NEAR the root structures ( if those are also up near the surface )

step 1. Let it dry out completely. Technically it should be moist 2" into the soil.... Not on the top. AND EVEN THEN; if you know you need to dry it out then you can still go another day or two at that point before watering lighter than previously

step 2: if even after several attempts you can use the peroxide method.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
when soil has no moisture, wont it start killing the plant ? I have always heard that you never want the soil to dry to a crisp, so I try not to let it. Thanks
dude, unless you are growing your dope in a pie tin the soil down low (where the real root feeding happens) will take days to dry out if you got fungus growing up top.

dont water till you see the tops drooping a little, that will take a long time if you are overwatering, or 1-2 days if you are not drowning your plants and have sufficient soils for the rootzone.

try it out, dont water for a while, and note how long it takes for the tops to sag, then water, and watch how fast they pop back up, more vigorous than before.

if you just have mould, and you cannot stop it, dress the top of the soil with perlite, and put in a black light (not too close) which will greatly reduce your fungus issues.

a healthy organic grow SHOULD have fungus in the soil, just not mushrooms on the surface.