HELP! MY 3 week old is WILTING BADLY

ok so yesterday my intake fan went out completly and that shot the tempetures to like 100 for a few hours. i found my plant looking a little like this. but i gave it some water and fixed the fan and this morning it looks the same. is there anyway to cure this? what is wrong? how can i get it back to normal? and advice is greatly appreciated



Active Member
ok so yesterday my intake fan went out completly and that shot the tempetures to like 100 for a few hours. i found my plant looking a little like this. but i gave it some water and fixed the fan and this morning it looks the same. is there anyway to cure this? what is wrong? how can i get it back to normal? and advice is greatly appreciated
Obviously the heat stressed her out, but was that bottom fan leaf yellow before or after the "heat wave"?
not entirely sure. it got stressed a long time ago but that leaf never fully recovered. now its just more yellow than ever. what can i do to get her to recover


Active Member
fuck man.

thats super harsh. I dont trust fans except the giant one keeping my house 75 degrees.

the heat from my bulbs just warms enough to get in that sweet range.

humidity is not a problem.

that looks like it might be dead for good.

try watering just after you flip the lights off (or the timer does) with a spray bottle and then just let it dry the fuck out till the topsoil is crusty crusty, and THEN water again.

hopefully, she'll perk up after that.

best of luck.

I did nearly the same thing. BUT WITH THE FUCKING SUN and my girls are stronger now.
I cant fucking imagine why, but They are. here is a photo.

dont they look good?
not tall, but green as fuck!

I did lose some fan leaves. leave them on until they fall off, if you happen to experience the same thing.
they transfer energy back into the plant even though its hanging there, dead looking, it should fall off on its own. KEEP THE FAN ON lol

good luck



Active Member
not entirely sure. it got stressed a long time ago but that leaf never fully recovered. now its just more yellow than ever. what can i do to get her to recover
Well, my largest sativa (in flower for 1.5 months) looked wilted like that when I forgot to water her one day, but after giving her a good drink, she looked fine within 30-40 minutes. 100 deg. F is awfully high, but you said it was only for a couple of hours?

IDK...maybe if you raise your lights higher away from the plant for a few days to let her recover from the heat stress it will give her a rest from trying to grow while she is so stressed out?

I'd cut that one dead leaf off too.

Could you give more details on your grow? Lights, normal temp ranges with and without "lights on", nute type and frequency, PH level of liquids (water AND water with nutes)....?
well im doing a stealth grow box that is about 22'' x 22'' 8'' set up to look like an old cpu. i have 4 27 watt cfls that put out 1400 lumens each in a spectrum of 5600k. i have a fan blowing into the intake fan then one fan inside the box pointed at the exaust hole at the top and there is a outtake fan at the top where the exaust hole is. i water about every 3 days and use fox farm ocean soil. typically the temp stays around 80-85. im in texas so my house runs at about 77 normally. so its hard for me to keep the tempeture down.


Active Member
well im doing a stealth grow box that is about 22'' x 22'' 8'' set up to look like an old cpu. i have 4 27 watt cfls that put out 1400 lumens each in a spectrum of 5600k. i have a fan blowing into the intake fan then one fan inside the box pointed at the exaust hole at the top and there is a outtake fan at the top where the exaust hole is. i water about every 3 days and use fox farm ocean soil. typically the temp stays around 80-85. im in texas so my house runs at about 77 normally. so its hard for me to keep the tempeture down.
LOL - yes I totally understand the Texas heat issue (central here). Ok, you've got some good soil, and your light amount is OK (cfl's are great for veg.), however you didn't mention giving the plant any nutes...are you?

Also, you said you water every three days. Are you sure that they need the water every three days? I mean - sure - some soils will dry out quicker than others due to content of the soil mixture, but those plants are still small, and may not need that much water. You COULD actually have "root rot" from overwatering....leaves will wilt b/c the destroyed roots literally can't suck up water (I've seen one with root rot that looked a lot like yours, and it didn't come back after watering either). The best way to water is by knowing what your growing pot weighs "dry" and what it weighs fully watered. If the pot that the plant is in feels light, then it's time to water. IOW it's better to be on an "as needed" basis, rather than watering on a specific day. Besides, as the plant gets bigger, she will want more water...and you may end up watering every other day...or more if she's thirsty.