HELP! My autoflower is sick and I don't know what to do.


First of all thank you. I do not have pics because my camera is broken and i can't afford a new one yet. I'm a first time grower and stressing out! I am growing 2 Jock Horror autoflowers. I'm growing in FFOF and am growing indoors with cfl's and a 150 hps also. I have have red/purple stems on most of my leaves (not main stalk). She also has green veins with yellow in between each vein. The edges are brownish yellow but not crispy. The longer they stay on the plant, they look almost psycodelic (green/lime green/yellow/pale yellow). From there they either fall off or turn completely yellow. They are 45 days into flower (65 days from germ). They are suppose to be ready in 7 to 9 weeks of flowering. The problem seemed to start in the middle of the plant about 10 days ago. Before the problem they were smelling dank and looking sexy! Several people told me that it was a cal mg problem so I treated with cal mg plus. One got worse and one stayed the same. The flowers are coming along good. Full of white hairs and several hairs are turning different colors. However Jock Horror's are a white strain. I have been ph my water at 6.5 and my run off was a little low and now i have that corrected. The run off is about 6.3 I woke up this morning and on one of my girls has almost all yellow leaves (especially on one side) and the tips are curling up. I don't think it is from age (ready). My room temp is 74-80 and humidity is 45-50. This is a closet grow. I would appreciate ANY info. I also got the FF trio of nutes witch bb,gb and tiger? Used big bloom once alerady could that be the problem! ANY AND ALL HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED!!!! rookie13 !!!!:wall::cuss:!!


Could be nute burned or needs more nutes. We need photos its very hard to determine whats wrong without seeing the plan, with a photo we could see what kind of deficency/problem there is and you would get way better answers.


Well-Known Member
dont listen to the guy above your fine posting here this is the newbie section for newbie questions