help my babies!!


Well-Known Member
im new to growing indoors my 3 girls are growing strong im into first day of the first week of flowering Im using a 150 watt hps light in a 2x3 mylar covered area my air circulation isnt the greatest only have a fan running high osc. it gets pretty humid and hot. My problem is that my stems have started to turn purple the lower older stems are more purple they are also drooping alot. then also ive notice that on my tips of my older leaves they are starting to turn yellow and frill up (im posting pics) im using root organics coco fiber soil-less media organic in five gallon buckets im using 15ml per gallon which is recommended my ph is a little high at using distilled water from my local grocery store to water my plants What do you guys think? I appreciate the help and interest and thanks for welcoming me here : D toke up one love


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Well, You whole problem is that you are treating your COCO like soil. You even went as far as to add perlite to your Coco. I have been growing in 100% coco going on 5 years. Adding perlite to your COCO does no good, it does some harm though. Also a 5 gallon pot with coco is way the hell to much. If you are going to water that large of a pot correctly, you would have to water it with 3++ gallons of water. I grow 6 foot plants in 2 gallon grow bags over and over and over with not additives to the COCO. If you want to add amendments to the medium then switch over to soil.
You need to water coco enough to allow for about 20% of what you give the plant to run out the bottom. This flushes out the left over salts and sucks fresh air into the roots. But most likely, not only did you add perlite, but you added a few other items to the coco as well. Which clogged all the micro voids which is what makes COCO so great. I would rather pay top dollar for 100% pure COCO. Then to have All the coco, guanno, worm casting, manure and all that crap given to me for free.

Anyway. This all has been a guess. Because you gave very little info. But get that PH down. Also check the PH of your Coco. I bet your Coco's PH is a bit wacky as well.

Do not worry to much about some purple stems. Some strains have this naturally. Others get it very easily by being a small amount out of range on certain nuts. Your plant looks generally healthy, but unhappy and sad. Home depoe has some pretty nice 68/300 watt CFLS for $15 that are soft white. They help a lot. I can put out two nice 4.5 foot plants on three of these lights. I just choose to use my 600 watt HPS. :)

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I just researched your "root organics coco fiber soil-less media organic". Change brands next time. Stay away from the brands that add Guanna, manure and worm castings.......... If you want to feed these types of items to your grow in COCO. then make a TEA with very fine filter fabric of some sort. Make sure to filter out ALL of the SLUDGE!! I do my very best to buy non-compressed PURE Coco, with nothing added.
And most public water systems are good enough to water your plants with. Just make sure to allow it to sit out for a while. Some people think the chlorine is bad for the plants, but then on another day tell people to add chlorine to their rez to fight algea. I only allow my water to sit out so it is not so cold when I water my plants. I want it at about 65 degrees.


Well-Known Member
thanks dangley yeah ill defiantly swith up next time and use a smaller bucket probably switch to grow bags my local supply store mentioned them to me and ill go with that next time and defiantly switch out the medium since all that is what its cracked up to be thanks.. as for buds id say it gets a good 80-85 degrees in there with 70% humidity..I just bought a 600 Watt HPS MH GROW LIGHT SODIUM SUN DIGITAL BALLAST 600w ELECTRONIC AIR COOL getting rid of the 150watt it was just my starting light and it was free lol cant beat that.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Right on. And as suggested above. Make sure to have air movement inside the room as well as air replacement from outside to get fresh air to your plants. Your temps are ok. Try not to go above 85, and 70% humidity is liveable but that would be nice to get down below 60.


Well-Known Member
i was thinking since i have a smaller room completely sealed off if i could just go to home depot and buy two vortex fans that are high powered and cut two holes into the poly and use those as ventilation if it would work the same as inline fans i don't have the cash rite now to buy any good inline fans what u think

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I bought a 380CFM squirrel cage fan from Home depoe for $50 and duct taped a 6" heating vent to it, and connected a felxible duct to that and X cut a hole in my Panda Film and duct taped the flexible duct to it. Making sure to seal up the light leaks. Then made another one for air to flow in. This works just fine. All money spent... about $70


Well-Known Member
sweet thats what i have is panda film glad to know we have the same thought on it and im defiantly going to do this thanks alot appreciate it


Well-Known Member
could possibly show me a picture of what your ventilation system looks like so I have more of an idea of what a squirrel fan is

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Here is a photo of my system for cooling my light and room. You might need one for the light and one for the room. My room is not to small. Pretty Ghetto, but it works very well for my needs. Once it gets cold out, I will remove the duct from the covered window and allow the warm air to help heat the room. And have fresh air come from within my house.
vent 002.jpgvent 003.jpg


Well-Known Member
alright cool now i see what fan you have thanks alot man you been so much help and i appreciate it