Help my clones Plz//

i luv ladies

Active Member
ok so i took some cutting bout a week ago and nothing yet.. they are in cups inside a humidy tent.. should they be in rookwool or some medium now or after they root?
plx help
also what timing cycle is good for rooting?


Well-Known Member
what do u mean by they are in cups???? cupz of what???? and yeah once they get some roots get an other cup fill it with soil that has plenty of perlite i say 70/30 soil/perlite and water the soil the day befor u put ur clones into them but not to wet cuz ur gunna want ur roots to look for more moistnes wich makes them grow faster. With ur cups with the soil in it make sure u have drainage holes at the bottom so u can water ur medium and tell if the water went through the whole medium


root powder or gel will encourage growth. be patient some of my varieties root quicker than others. from 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 weeks as long as they are staying healthy they will root.


Well-Known Member
figure it out for your self guy,read the faqs and take a risk to what u think is right,try what ur doin and u may be surprised to it working and shit.

just try it.


the cloner i use has no medium and just roots while suspended in air.
also i have used those jiffy peat pot green houses you buy from home depot those work too. just take a cutting and dip it in rooting powder and stick cutting in a jiffy pot and you'll see when it has roots they grow out of the sides.
i only had about 75-80% success with this method that is why i switched to the aero cloner they are easy to make and every clone i take roots.

like wackymack says take a risk you WILL find a method that works for you