Help! my dwc is sick!? :(


So a friend of mine gave me what I believe to be a diesel strain. I started it in my aero garden and it was kinda slow growing. At about 5-6 inches, 4 nodes plus new growth, I put it in my 4 gal d.w.c. system with 2 100watt c.f. and a 300w cob led that runs 12 hrs a day. the water was 5.8 pH and no "hotter" than it had been in the 1 gal aero. Here is the problem.. Day 4 of being in the dwc I get horrible nitro lock to where the leaves damn near touched the stem.. I immediately flushed with balanced water and backed off the nutes to >50% what I usually run.. Two days after that she's back strong and pretty.. Now another two days later she's wilting and turning colors.. I've trimmed the dead ends off the leaves.. She's very sturdy and strong no bugs anywhere. I thinks she's on the up and up but I didn't know if this was a result of the nitro claw or what.. Someone give me some advise? This is my first real serious indoor dwc


cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
the bulbing is not uncommon in dwc, plants will grow into a 'ball' shape. drooping in flower is also normal. as for color, looks like you're low on magnesium. how are the roots? what ppm? res temp?


I'm actually waiting on a ppm/ temp meter in the mail.. :/ as for the roots when I transferred them from aero garden she had 2 mains and hairs all I've the peat plug.. As of now with a week in the dwc she's got 5-6 mains about 4-5 inches long out the bitten of the net.. When I put it in the expanded clay I kind just balled then in the bottom to avoid injury.. I know I'm in over my head without proper equipment.. I've had a successfu indoor stealth dwc harvest a little over a QP never checking any pH temp or ppm.. It was just some schwag that ended up super funky.. I made oil with it :D


My diesel mod is making a strong comeback.. Not much upstairs as of new growth but good lord at the root system coming through the net pot!! I switched to a completely blacked out bucket and a larger air stone.. That seems to have done the trick.. Will post pics soon when she gets all her pretty purple color back


Well-Known Member
Just keep your water temps cool, your PH stable and ppm's at right level. and you should have a trouble free grow.


Maxi gro from g.h. and a Humboldt county something.. I forget the actual numbers and I'm still waiting on my ppm from amazon... -_-


Well-Known Member
Ur gonna have to tie her down then cage her (like one of those tomatoes cages) then u can try and keep her at bay by sending her In the direction of any space u have left.horizontal if needs b...


Ur gonna have to tie her down then cage her (like one of those tomatoes cages) then u can try and keep her at bay by sending her In the direction of any space u have left.horizontal if needs b...
I had no idea I could do that with out stressing her.. I kept trying to move lights up and away to keep her from getting burned but that back fired she chased the lights down! Thanks for the advise.. I'm going out of town for 10 days also starting tomorrow I absolutely hate it because I'm gonna have to let someone top off her water every other day..