Help My Flower??????


Active Member
I am 42 day into flower and almost all the leaves have turned yellow and died. My yield is pretty weak but the bud still seems not ready, can they continue to flower with min. foilage???


Well-Known Member
Leaves always turn yellow towards the end its taking the last nitrogen from the leaves. Some pics would help to see what is really going on.


Active Member
ya but turn crunchy yellow and die?? I will post pics tnite when the lights come on cus I dnt want to interupt the dark.


Active Member
it wont let me read any of those private mess. it jus redirects me to the ones you already sent, and its not like my inbox is full or anything. So what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Everything sounds like it should be ok? any bugs in the roots? what height are the lights at? what are the night time temps? change soil? maybe back off the nutes for a week?