Help!! My Girls are sick

This is only my second grow indoors, or ever for that matter so please be nice lol. I will try to provide as much info as I can in this first post.

2 Blue dream
4 BlackBerry fire
1000w MH
4x4 area temp controlled 70 nite 75-77 day
Was growing in blank soil no nutes except mycorhea
Using GH products 3 part nutes

Bought these clones about a month ago from blackheart nursery

Day 1 transplanted from rockwool into 1.5l pots

Was over feeding accidentally to much nutes and was also adding bat guano
Was using the aggressive veg growth b4

From day 1 to about day 18 all was going good
By day 20 they looked like shit
Was over nuting/watering according to local hydro shop
Let them dry out for about 3 days
Hydro shop said looked like salt build up
Did a mag sulfate 1tsp/gal and hi brix molasses transplant into 3 gal pots transplanted into a fox farms ocean forest/ coco brick mix

It's now about 4 days since transplant went to hydro shop yesterday and showed updated pics and they recommended doing a leaching/flush put 3 gal of ph/ flora kleen through each plant and then after the flush gave about 1l of tea

The girls look very unhappy the leaves are very wrinkly almost like heat stress but my grow area almost never reaches above 85 on a very hot day I have been able to keep between 70-80 during day

I have not given any nutes in about a week

I think I messed up by giving bat guano may have added to much in the beginning?

Did I not use enough water when I did the flush I put 3 gal of h20 with flora kleen 1tsp/gal through each plant

Just did the flush/tea yesterday about 22 hrs ago and no improvement should it take longer for improvement?

Please help I dont know what the hell I'm doing and these are meds I grow for my sick dad I dont have time or money to start over lol......

Last harvest came out pretty frosty with decent yields only thing changed this time was adding the earth juice bat guana at this early stage


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Just tested the soil all the pots came back at 6.2 oh gonna add some closer pics also .....anyone out there got any info pleeeaase......going crazy here waiting for reply 20180501_115423.jpg 20180501_115408.jpg


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You have mites or thrips.

Your plants had too much water, put a fan on them and help them lose some so the leaves can pick up.
Some of the plants are also hungry. I'm scared of the place you are getting advice from. Vegging plants need only minimal food until you start ramping them up to go over to flower nutes.
Ya they told me to flush them out with the flora kleen so I did that yesterday I've been getting advice from 2 different people at a place called green fire in sacramento I am a total newb so I been taking there advice as it was good should j throw them outside under the real sun to help warm them up and dry them out
Not direct strong sun, find some mottled sun or lightly shaded place first.
Ya I have been trying to control the mite problem I new about that already been spraying azamax on them and now that you mention it I did see a clear looking weird bug on one of the leaves yesterday but thought it flew in from outside .....what the hell do I do now azamax ain't working it seems
I appreciate the info ANC I'm going to the local hydro and see if they have that mighty wash I'll try to post what they do have if they dont have that any other suggestions ....kinda wanna buy something locally so these girls dont die b4 something gets shipped to me
It might be mites, I can only see bite marks, don't have microscopic x-ray vision.
You will have to hunt down the culprits.
There are many products available, but I'd try to go for something organic.
Maybe get two products and alternate them.
Ok so moved them outside to a in direct sunlight/shady spot nice little breeze going outside hopefully they will perk up headed to hydro store now for some spray I'll keep updating my posts as I get progress or regress lol
Just keep in mind.....Outside = more mites and thrips. (and caterpillars from butterfly/moths)
In and out of indoor grow area.....more chance for pests to invade....your clothes, hair, shoes, etc..
I might....Alternate something like Monterey Garden Insect with the Azamax.
And, humidifier/dehumidifier up and running to keep closer to ideal vpd.
Dude... Looks like overwatering.... Not sure why a hydro store would suggest a salt build up 20 days in? Oh wait did you buy shit from them so you could "flush" your plants? Yeah next time you flush though just use 3-4x the pot size of 1/4 stregnth nutes.
I think your hydro store doesn't know shit or trying to make you spend money. Looks like overwatering to me, don't worry too much about thrips, their a nuisance more than anything, if they bother you get permethrin and spray your plants with a quarter strength solution at first with lights off, especially stems.
Your getting good advice now. They were over fed then over watered . They look like they will recover from that but that mite problem can be a bitch for a newbie. You may need to try a little bit of everything to wipe them out. If you are going outside to inside you may never get rid of the mites. A lot of people swear by neem oil but I haven't tried it. I do like Avid as a last resort.
Neem oil can do more harm than good if your not sure how to use it, strong stuff. Always water poison down and start slow until you get the right amount