Help!! My Girls are sick

Thanks for all the replies ya I'm sure they were tryn to sell me shit .......

So far I'll I've done is add a little dirt to the top of the soil because the original rockwool they were bought in started to float through to the top of the soil.........guess from the flush I did

Been bringing them outside on a table and keeping in indirect sunlight for about 4 or 5 hrs did that yesterday and today

Put a humidifier in there grow area ......

Bought some shit called green clean and mixed up a half gallon in a pump sprayer and deuched down the girls .......

Did the douching on all the leaves and up and under the leaves and sprayed the top soil with the green clean and around the pots and also sprayed there grow area......

Going to wait 2 days and spray with Azamax also ..........sprayed azamax about 5 days ago but wassnt a gud duech down lol........
I am obviously letting them dry out there getting lighter by the day lol.......

Gonna keep them back under the light now no more inside outside shit the fresh air seemed to do them a little good ......I got shit to do 2 morro this has been like being up with ur sick kid lol......

Thanks for all the help this is only my second grow I doors My last harvest is in my Avatar .....was some green crack......woohoo it does the trick been cleaning for 2 days hahah........

I'm sure I'll have more questions along the way thx again.....

Having problems uploading new pics from tonite will upload later
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Its not ideal putting rock wool seedlings/clones etc into soil. If you can't help it not much you can do but be better to try to stick to the same medium from start to finish

I buy pre rooted clones from the collective they are grown in rockwool cubes.....

Bought the clones and put them in a 1l pot then when I started having these problems at like week 3 I transplanted again into there current 3 gal pots when I'm did the transplant there was a decent amount of roots in the 1l container

When I flushed them the soil and rockwool floated to the top so on 1 of the sativas I noticed the rockwool poking through the top so I added more soil to the top layer and tried to pack it down lightly
4x4, good for Coco, not that I'm anti-soil, just another style.

Canna Coco in the bag.
MEGA CROP @ 5.8.
8 of dem dere clones in 1 gal fabrics
Crank it up.

Only downside is the need to water more frequently.

Bowl up.
Its not ideal putting rock wool seedlings/clones etc into soil. If you can't help it not much you can do but be better to try to stick to the same medium from start to finish

I wrote to Dark Heart Nursery about putting their Rock Wool clones in soil and this was their response:

Greetings Farmer,

Nothing to worry about, our clones are made to go directly into the soil. Rock wool is not an issue. You are all good to go and it's ok if it pops out a little.

Dark Heart Nursery
They would say that, I have done it myself without issue,but,I read it's best not to do it if you can help it. I suppose It depends a lot on how big the clone is when you buy it and what size cube it's in. Just a thought, google it and look it up.
Just a thought, google it and look it up.

LOL! I did, and the first thing that appears is:

Nonetheless, for both seedlings in small rockwool cubes and sizable plants in large rockwool cubes, the dynamics of transplanting into soil are the same. To begin with, dig a hole into the soil a few inches wider and deeper than the intended rockwool transplant and sprinkle mycorrhizae over the surface of the hole.Oct 11, 2017

So I did Google it (as you suggested) and the very top says with regards to Soil / Rock Wool (ie: "are the same") and in addition, a pretty popular high-end Nursery that sells clones to over 25 dispensaries in the Bay Area and California also said it's the same / no issue. Just because one guy posted on the internet he couldn't do it, there are many other factors where he may have screwed up. That means nothing when there is a business selling thousands of these and people do it all the time. My brother has done it many times as well without a single issue.

Just for what it is worth ... The internet is full of information, misinformation, misleading information, wrong information and biased information. (especially in the cannabis industry). People who say they have been doing something for 20 years will contradict someone with a degree in hydroponics and fertilizer certifications.

For me, after seeing this, and my 4 plants are Rock Wool to Soil (Happy Frog) and are doing fine - but I asked them anyway because of your post. The people in business selling the clones in Rock Wool to literally thousands of people, who would know better, or they wouldn't be in business, said it is fine. If there was a study and it was bad after 3 weeks, then a large nursery would have a hard time selling their clones in Rock Wool. (I do know that very very large clones they sell in SOIL - but label them differently as "Heartlets")

So - I guess I'd have to see the credible evidence otherwise to not trust Dark Heart Nursery response.
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And if I find 20 articles that says it's not ideal what will you say then. ? Definitely if you've got a 10 inch rock wool cube going in a 10 l pot with soil then that's not a good idea.
A two inch cube probably won't matter, read my posts
Let me start again - as you seem to want to prove your point (using some misguided tangent) rather than giving proper information to help THEM.

This person went to "BLACKHEART NURSERY" according to their original post. They are mistaken / incorrect as I am guessing they incorrectly stated that fact. My guess is they meant to say "Dark Heart Nursery". The reason being simply is that they sell Blue Dream and Blackberry Fire clones, and that there is no "Blackheart Nursery" that exists selling clones.

Second - I have MYSELF purchased both the Blue Dream and the Blackberry Fire clones from Dark Heart Nursery and they are not 10" cubes. I don't think they ever said anything close to that. Their clones (non heartlets) themselves are about 5" tall (max)

Third - I have MYSELF planted both the Blue Dream and the Blackberry Fire clones from Dark Heart Nursery into 3.6 Gallon pots and right now, the Blue Dream is 13" (after two weeks with a huge stalk) and the Blackberry Fire is 7" with a very thick healthy stalk,

Fourth, I contacted Dark Heart Nursery MYSELF and posted their reply (their own plants!) to the original poster ... and why THEIR information wouldn't be accurate over what 10 random articles you found on Google is beyond my comprehension. I can find anything on the internet (as absurd at it would be) to prove any point, even probably why it should be legal to have sex with animals - but it doesn't make it right or accurate.

And I did read your post, You said this:

Its not ideal putting rock wool seedlings/clones etc into soil. If you can't help it not much you can do but be better to try to stick to the same medium from start to finish

You said nothing at all about the size, dimension, age, or anything else about the clone. You said "it's not ideal putting rock wool seedlings/clones into soil" ..... in fact, in a later post, you put "I suppose ..." - :wall:

MY GUESS (very random guess) would be that something may be going on with the nutrients being used that on the third week, they are taking a turn in the wrong direction or whatever. I'd look at the care (or non care) that is going on with this plant - and look at the environment, lights and the nutrients.

My brother has just gone DIRECTLY into 5GAL and 3.6GAL pots from (rock wool clone) NURSERY to FINISH with NO ISSUES. If you are watering properly, transplanting is not a requirement - or should I say - kill a plant or make it look very sick.

I've also used bat guano in my soil (before putting the clones in) as well as FF Bloom has it and been using it weeks 1 and 2. My blue dream from Dark Heart has HUGE leaves on it already and very flat ... not like what he has posted (the original poster).

I am in the Bay Area (South Bay) and if the original poster is close, maybe I can look at it and compare. But, that Blue Dream should look a lot better and I surely wouldn't believe it has anything to do with the rock wool to soil aspect.

PS: If you want to "tell me to google it" and "10 articles" - then please add that information directly to your post to support the facts. It would help.
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And if I find 20 articles that says it's not ideal what will you say then. ? Definitely if you've got a 10 inch rock wool cube going in a 10 l pot with soil then that's not a good idea.
A two inch cube probably won't matter, read my posts
so what are you suppose to break the rockwool apart before you place it into the soil? That would completely disrupt the root system and most likely kill off the clone. Not recommended. Plus you said you read it and haven't actually tried it. I would take advise from people who have tried something over people who have read something any day.
so what are you suppose to break the rockwool apart before you place it into the soil? That would completely disrupt the root system and most likely kill off the clone. Not recommended. Plus you said you read it and haven't actually tried it. I would take advise from people who have tried something over people who have read something any day.
Read my posts correctly, all of them , as you obviously haven't. As you'll see I have done and yes with no problems, some say it's ok some say it isn't, depends on cube size, obviously if your growing in soil and have a huge rockwool cube with a clone in it that's probably not a good idea, rockwool is inert, would have been pre treated ph to around 5.5. Soil/soiless ph is 6.5 thereabouts. So your first watering from transplant will be what? 5.5 ph for cube or 6.5 for soil?? Obviously after a few waterings it will change the ph of the cube if you go 6.5 but in the early stages you want the best start possible. Some strains hate a huge ph the end of the day I wasn't telling op what to do, merely stated that where possible to not mix mediums. If he can't help but by clones in rockwool and transplant to soil then the point is mute
First I never attributed my post as being the reason for his problems. Second it was merely an observation. Cannabis can thrive in all sorts of conditions but what they like most of all is stability, especially ph stability, medium stability etc. i never said it wouldn't work, just it's better to stick to the same medium if you can.
Empdu I'd be happy to hear your reasons why it's better to mix mediums as that has to be your only argument why you wouldn't agree that it's better to use the same medium if you can is beyond me.
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No, you don't break it up.

You dig a hole in the middle of the pot that just covers the rock wool. Use a 3.6 or 5.0 gallon container.

You put the soil right over it and pat it softly.

When you water the plant, the rock wool will appear (ie: water the rock wool for first 2 weeks) -- as you water it, the rock wool will appear. Focus on watering the middle / rock wool. Once done watering, just take a spoon and push the dirt back over the rock wool and pat it softly.

When you put the soil back over the rock wool (after watering), be sure to have a little bit of air / openness right up against the stalk of the plant so there is less chance of rot and the stalk that goes directly into the rock wool/soil has enough air to breath and dry out. It's really that simple.

If using 3 or 5 gallon bucket and say a 5" or so clone, watering the first week or two, should not have run off. Don't moist / wet the soil that isn't being used at the very bottom of the bucket until week three. Usually, all nutrients for weeks 1-4 are very much the same and no need for flushing or getting it out of the soil. So, the first two weeks, water just 1/4 gallon per plant twice that week only. Then, maybe once you get to week three, go to 1/2 gallon of water per plant and you'll start to use / see the run off method of watering from there.

Pot plants are more happy in dry soil than wet soil --- it's always best to underwater than over. Once you see droop in the leaves days later (confirmed under water), give it a little bit and they perk up within minutes. So, you are better that way than dealing with overwatering.

If you try and lift the bucket and it's heavy - Don't water. When you first plant your clone, pick up the bucket - maybe even put it on a scale. That is where/when you want to water. Check your PH to be between 6.2 to 6.4, and don't PPM over 300 the first 2 or 3 weeks. Your PPM should ramp up. Advanced Nutrients offers a PH system that will work so long as your water is between I think 5.0 and 9.0 ---- for me, I simply take my tap water and add 1/3cap of Catalyst Earth Juice. When I do that, my water goes down to 6.39 perfectly as it's at 9.1PH when it comes out of the tap. I then add my Advanced Nutrients schedule to that water. (ie: tap water + 1/3 cap of Catalyst Earth Juice, shake, PH and it's at 6.39) - I then add my nutrients (Advanced Nutrients) and shake again, and I water)

I'm not going to respond to wasted conversations of people trying to save face for just spouting nonsense.
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Nonsense? Really? It's pretty common sense. pre treated rock wool at 5.5 ph is best for coco, hydro etc as your ph level will be the same, no unwanted ph shock for seedlings. Soil/ soiless is 6.5. Ph. Going into this probably most of the time won't cause any issues but who knows? Strains are different, react differently to slight ph fluctuations sometimes especially when young. Don't argue that using two different ph levels in two different grow mediums is ideal and as good or better than using the one your actually going to grow in.
Nonsense? Really? It's pretty common sense. pre treated rock wool at 5.5 ph is best for coco, hydro etc as your ph level will be the same, no unwanted ph shock for seedlings. Soil/ soiless is 6.5. Ph. Going into this probably most of the time won't cause any issues but who knows? Strains are different, react differently to slight ph fluctuations sometimes especially when young. Don't argue that using two different ph levels in two different grow mediums is ideal and as good or better than using the one your actually going to grow in.
You yourself said you have had no problems, practice what you preach. People have been dropping rockwool cubes in soil for years now and it's been fine.
You yourself said you have had no problems, practice what you preach. People have been dropping rockwool cubes in soil for years now and it's been fine.
Fine is not ideal, if you had the choice between clone in soil or rock wool you would always choose the soil clone because that's the medium your using , to cut down any chances of problems. This is pretty common sense stuff people.
Fine is not ideal, if you had the choice between clone in soil or rock wool you would always choose the soil clone because that's the medium your using , to cut down any chances of problems. This is pretty common sense stuff people.
your rockwhool cube will have a ph of whatever your water solution is. if its 6 the cube will be 6, it changes just like soil does, or the same as water in a container. if you ph something its going to change no mater what given a little time. placing a cube in soil is just fine. wont hurt a thing. tearing your roots apart is fine too, theyll grow back. the difference is, you wouldnt be disturbing the root zone if you didnt break it up and instead placing it into the soil as is. isnt the goal when transplanting not to disturb the root zone to minimize any stress on the plant?
Just tested the soil all the pots came back at 6.2 oh gonna add some closer pics also .....anyone out there got any info pleeeaase......going crazy here waiting for reply View attachment 4129970 View attachment 4129972
if you dont see little black things under or on your leafs its not mites.. look before you buy and spray. your temps in your room seem to be low with the heavy watering itll make them unhappy. what are your temps? dont feed every watering in soil.. feed maybe 2 times a week depending on how much theyre drinking and how much youre giving them. also dont give the dose on the bottle give half or quarter tht and work our way up
To OP (original poster), here is my Blue Dream from Dark Heart Nursery ending 2nd week of VEG, Rock Wool cube directly into 3.6 Gallon container of Happy Frog Soil.


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Thanks for all the help and replies number one lesson of growing for me is patience......

So it's been about 10 days since my last post and my indicas seemed to have bounced back nicely

The Sativas seem to stunted in size compared to ok the Indica and the leaves still look ehhhh....

Let them dry out from about the 1st to the 6th till the pots were nice and light .......

Haven't watered since the 6th about to water soon gave PhD 1/4 nutes

Been alternating green clean and azamax since the 1st

Tips of the leaves are slightly yellowing as seen in pics this a nute deff or what?


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