Help!! My grow room is over 92 degrees!!!

I just started growing a week ago. I have my grow room setup. My seeds germinate and i plant them. Then they sprout. I go to check up on them today and my temperature says 92.. I just now checked up on them and now its at 98. Heres a video of my grow room.

Keep in mind that im hiding this from my parents. Also i live in kansas so the weather is just going to keep getting hotter. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU. I can tell you one thing is for sure, you have no ventilation in that grow room. While you have oscillating fans blowing, that air has no where to go. It also appears that you are using aluminium foil which is known to heat up dramatically. That's my 2 cents.
Welcome to RIU. I can tell you one thing is for sure, you have no ventilation in that grow room. While you have oscillating fans blowing, that air has no where to go. It also appears that you are using aluminium foil which is known to heat up dramatically. That's my 2 cents.
Its not aluminum foil it is emergancy blankets.. and could you give me something to help me ranther than just pointing out everything thats wrong. (not to be a dick)


Active Member
What is your outdoor temp? Only thing that I can suggest is to make exhaust and intake fans to make air circulation. But if incoming air is hot too then you have to buy air conditioning device. Or maybe try to place there a bucket with ice cold water. Find largest bucket that fits in here and change the water as often as possible


Active Member
You can grow in a sealed room if you use C02....your plants will be able to tolerate the heat more also....but only until you figure out some type of venting as like you say "it's only going to get hotter" and even with C02 you can't keep them that warm.


Active Member
The main idea is to exhaust hot air and intake outside cold air. Hot air is concentrating at the top of closet so exhaust hole has to be at the top of the closet and intake hole has to be at the bottom. drill the holes and attach fans o them. Do parents check your room? if yes then it will be a huge problem because it is hard not to notice holes in closet doors :D


Active Member
don't seal the space entirely but have one fan sucking air out of the space.
That will create a current of air.
Air just blowing around won't cool it is just pushing the air around.
You need an in and an out to create flow.
Make your entry passive (meaning just a hole or a not air tight room) and your exit active (meaning a fan pulling air out of the room)
That should drastically change your temps and your best first start.
Its not really a closet. Its this storage place that is sorta connected to my attic, but in that video there is crack on the right side at the top... I already moved one fan around and having it blow that way.. That could be my exhaust i guess. The only way anybody could see is if i drilled holes through that door that i close in the video. So I really dont know where i could make holes for intake air. Also my MOM saw it when i was messing with it. She didnt mind it, i just told her that im not selling it im smokin it. She already lets me smoke so i understand why she doesnt care and im not really hiding it from my parents im hiding it from my sister.


Active Member
You could add a vent/fan that goes to the attic....If your room is not sealed tight, air will be pulled in and then out to the attic. If you keep the house cool, that cooler air would be pulled in thus cooling your space. Ideally, the air being pulled in would come from ground level, but as long as it's cooler air and you keep the room may work out for you. You will have to figure out an intake vent if you want to make the room light tight though because of the crack you mention.
you should deal with your sister and then make proper venting (still stealth) but why keep secrets...
Bro shes not 420 friendly at all!! She once threatened to call the cops on me just because i was smoking in the house. My parents dont care why should she? So thats not really an option.

You could add a vent/fan that goes to the attic....If your room is not sealed tight, air will be pulled in and then out to the attic. If you keep the house cool, that cooler air would be pulled in thus cooling your space. Ideally, the air being pulled in would come from ground level, but as long as it's cooler air and you keep the room may work out for you. You will have to figure out an intake vent if you want to make the room light tight though because of the crack you mention.
Yeah but my room is sealed tight. Did you watch the video? The doors shut and its just a small room, but on the right side there is wood and there is a crack at the top. What im thinking is if i just take the wood out on the right side. Then it would just be wide open and the temperature could even out. Idk if it will work im going to do it tomorrow, but atm the temperature is 80. Thats because its dark out side and the temperature dropped.


Well-Known Member
Dude you're not gonna be able to hide this from your parents. Your grow spot is going to reek of weed if you make to flowering unnoticed. I highly suggest against hiding from your family. Why not guerrilla grow?


RIU Bulldog
Basically you want to have afan sucking air from the grow space, out. A good way to do it is to attach a blower usually, but in your case one of these would do fine;
Plus they're cheap.
Also, a lot of people use computer fans. They work great for small spaces.

After you cut the hole for the fan/blower and seal the edges, then you cut another smaller hole for the (passive) intake. Some ppl have a fan to suck air into the grow room on the intake but that's unnecessary.

This will give you good circulation that will prevent issues like bugs and other possibly serious problems.


for the amount of plants you have you didnt really need all that space yet and you ned to IMMEDIATLY poke some holes in the plastic wrap you have over those cups your plants need Oxygen the plastic wrap is an easy method to keep up humidity but you must have at least a finger sized hole in the wrap on the side or just directly over the seedling


yes holes r a MUST u cant breath with plastic wrap sealed over your nose and mouth and niether can a plant so to speak
Grow in the woods, its april, don't be stupid. Your grow isn't going to work because they will catch you, you should give them better credit they aren't stupid. They will either smell it, or hear it. Shoot, it might be neither and your mom may just find it cleaning up one day. Don't disrespect their house, put it in the woods.