HELP! My leaves are growing with what looks like blemishes. IDK what going on. P


Please help me diagnosis this issues.

The leaves on my plant have never done this, some are growing what appears to be blemishes and the outside of some of the leaves are like wrinkling up and attempting to create holes between two leaves. IMAG0133.jpgIMAG0132.jpgIMAG0130.jpg


Well-Known Member
Can you see any tiny lil bugs anywhere because in that case you have thrips.

If you cant see any lil bugs then its just a bit of plant damage you may have knocked it a bit or split nutrients on it.

It looks pretty healthy and it looks like the damage is only to the oldest leaves so I wouldnt worry for the moment. If the symptoms persist then look to take action.



Well-Known Member
When I say lil I mean really lil I had to use a 30 times scope to spot anything other than a spec of moving dust :P



Mouse, no tiny bugs. Ive checked quite a few times, and the ph is good. Potentially nutrients spilt on the leaves. Hasn't spread. Thank Goodness.