Help! My leaves are turning yellow!


Active Member
I got some clones from a friend of mine and they were nice and healthy when i got them. I transplanted them from the small containers straight into a 5 gallon pot. I have been watering them daily because thats what my friend told me to do, but i have read that i might be overwatering. The leaves are turning a slight yellow color and havent really grown at all in a week. I had the lamp about a foot and a half to 2 feet above the plants but i have read that that might be too high. How high should i have the plants? Should i not water them for 2-3 days and see what happens? I dont want to lose these clones because it is some pretty good stuff. How far should the light be, how often should i water?? Any type of help would be good. I have a fan oscillating on the plants, but i dont have any type of humidifier, should i get one of those? Please help!


Well-Known Member
the most common reason for yellowing leaves is a deficiency of nitrogen. have you started with nutes yet?


Active Member
Can you get pictures? What type of light? What type of soil?

It definitely sounds like you're overwatering. You shouldn't be watering any more than once every 3 days or so. Are the leaves drooping at all? Make sure that when you water the soil is completely dry.

Get a thermometer and hygrometer. If your humidity is low(below 10%) a humidifier might be a good idea.


Active Member
i cant get any pictures cause my camera cord is gone, but they are just starting to turn a little yellow. I am using a 400 watt HPS light. I have 8 plants. How would i get some nitrogen into the plants?


Well-Known Member
make sure the soil u put ur plant in isnt reused soil, if the yellowing starts at the bottom the its more n likely a nitro def,.. urine is a great source of nitro mix 1 part urine with 10 parts water.. use this as a last resort, if u have cash now i suggest buying new soil and a bigger pot u should be ok then


Active Member
The soil is new, its miracle grow organic choice mixed with peralite. I had the guy who i got the clones from mix it up, he said it was what he used. I dont think that the humidity is very high in the room, just as high as an air conditioned room with a fan going is. Should I wait for a few days and see if not watering them helps or what whould i do? The pots are already 5 gallon, thats what the guy said would be the best.


Well-Known Member
Hi Gifts,

Welcome to roll it up. Be aware everyone here tries to help but before you take action I would recommend you confirm the information you get. Sometimes people do not quite understand the question. After all we are just stoners.

For instance yellowing of the leaves can be a nitrogen deficiency. This could be the fact that there is not enough or the plant is not using what is available. (nute lock)

You said you were watering every day.

Another thing that will turn the leaves yellow and slow growth is too much water. I have to tell you almost everyone loves their plants too much. I would suggest you back off the water for a few days.

Your friend may have had a more powerful light then you do and the water evaporated faster so watering every day worked for him.

The rule of thumb for lights is, put your hand on the top of your plant, feel the warmth of the light on the back of your hand, is it hot? move it up.


Active Member
I'll try and not water for a few days and hopefully that will help. If not, then i will try and get some nitrogen into the plants with the urine/water mix. Thanks for everyones help!


Active Member
Also i havent started using any type of fertilizer or nutrients, should i maybe go to a local hydroponics shop and get some? if so, what are some good types?


Well-Known Member
you are definately overwatering. U just put them into a 5 gal pot, the roots havent even begun to dip that far into that pot... so all that water is sitting in there. Pick up your pot.. ill bet it weighs a ton. Let the watering go til it gets alot lighter, this will force the roots to grow down into the 5 gal of soil u got there. As far as the yellowing of the leaves, this could just be the plant using the nitrogen while its growing its roots, your soil already has N in it, so stay away from nutes and water to let the roots find the nutrients already available in the soil.

patience is what it takes

make sure u got some holes in the bottom of that pot, and it there is a tray built in to the bottom of it, take that fucker off so you dont have a pool of stagnent water on the bottom that will cause root rot.