Help my little one! Plz?


Well-Known Member
This is bagseed from some nice KB my buddy got.
Anyway, here is my plant pathetic as it is I revived it from the dead and Im not kidding.
At 2 weeks all its leaves fell off and only 2 remained, well I revived it into what you see below and it is starting to do the exact same this time around
Light schedule is 12/12 and no nutes are being added, growing in MG Seedling mix.
What am I doing wrong?

I know 12/12 is ideal for flowering not veg but it looked like too much light exposure right now.
It is under 2x 42w(?) cfl's with a 600w lamp waiting for when it gets a bit bigger.

Any idea what the heck is wrong with this shrimpy plant?

BTW I have a batch of Chrystal seeds on order from Nirvana coming maybe next week sometime so I would like to get my grow going well before I try the good stuff.



Well-Known Member
Dude all I know regarding soil grows, is that most ppl look down on MG. Most say that the nutes are simply off. Most soil growers will recommend FoxFarm. So I'd probably have to say that something in your soil is off. Whether it be a PH inbalance or a nute deprivation sort of thing I wouldn't know. It is probably in your soil though. Good luck dude. Keep researching and keep us all posted : ]


Well-Known Member
Don't be scared to put the lights on em. During the veg stage the plants need is as much as ever. A few things u should look into- Ph, u need to know the ph of ur soil at all times! Get a ph tester if u don't already have one. U'll also need to raise or lower the ph of the food and water u give them to proper levels, or problems will occur down the road. Temps and humidity- Gotta know these as well, especially the temps at plant level. Mg- Mg is notorius for burning ur plants, and urs do look like they were burned a bit somehow. Look fo a good organic fert for when they're big enough, somethin with some N in it like a 5-3-3. Ur gonna have to transplant to bigger pots eventually, so go with a good organic soil. The reason I bring up th organic stuff, is it's a lot harder to burn ur plants with the stuff, just be shure to ph it as well.


Well-Known Member
thats def nutrient burn dude and it looks like your over watering, plus there all right you need to be definately puuting them on a 16 hour lights schedule, there not getting enough light, relaxe on the water and check the levels of your soil, your plant is burning


Well-Known Member
Ya srry I seemed to have overlooked the light sched. Yes, you will have to deffinatly fix that. 18 hrs. will be good for thriving plants.


Well-Known Member
thats def nutrient burn dude and it looks like your over watering, plus there all right you need to be definately puuting them on a 16 hour lights schedule, there not getting enough light, relaxe on the water and check the levels of your soil, your plant is burning

Thats almost verbatim the advice I would give, although I would increase the light exposure to 24 hours, on all the time.

When you transplant make sure you use a good amount of perlite, your soil looks devoid of it, it helps greatly with aeration of the roots and good draining. Remember that MJ plants do not like wet soil, they only need to be watered maybe 2 times a week. You can't do much about the nute burn, but I can tell you that the fertilizer only gets released when you water, so again cut down on the watering.

Many people assume that if something is good for the plant that more of it can only be better, WRONG. Nutes burn, water drowns.....