HELP, My plant fell


Active Member
hello, my plant is 3 weeks old kind of stretchy the main stem is hollow, anyway it fell of the window sil 2 day and went from being 1.5 ft to 4-5 inches it still have 4 nodes of bud branches.. will it grow 2 more where it broke like it was topped or is the cut way too low??? tyty



Well-Known Member
I hope the remaining leaves were/are in good shape.... If so it'll grow as if it was topped, big and bushy.


Well-Known Member
first of all if you are growing it indoors you will need to put it under artificial light. there are so many factors that play into window sill growing. once you have the plant under artificial light keep the light as close to the plant as possible.. this will keep the plant from stretching out which is one of the problems you mentioned. second, did the stem break or just weep over? if it broke then so did the capalaries inside the stem which will not allow water to get to that part of the plant. if it just weeped over get a few sticks and create a brace to hold the plant up in the pot. so you know bud branches = nodes


Active Member
im growing outdoors, just had em on the window sil getting some morning sun.. when it fell the whole branch came clean off.. ill put up real pics there in a min.. the other thing i was worried bout was that the hollow stem now looks like there is a big hole in the stem and it looks like it will fill wit water when it rains and stuff u know...??


yea mine did the same thing she doing good right now she fell about 3 weeks ago and she doing good right now, good luck,


Active Member
thanks guys, thinking bout it now its prob a agood thing it fell cause its was really stretchy like the other 1, so i might top it again ina few weeks and get a real bushy plant, instead of a tall skinney 1..
