Help..My plant has female and male flowers.


Well-Known Member
My plant has Female Pistal's . AND male sacks.

My plant came from bagseed.. But i expected it to be either male or female..Not both..

So wat should i do??This is the only plant i grew by the way.. :mrgreen::blsmoke::joint::peace:



Active Member
you say it's the only plant you grew... but is it the only plant you have? if it's the only one you have i would grow it out.. will get some bud of it although it will be very seedy.. if you have more plants i would throw it out so it doesnt pollonate your other plants...i would also try and work out why it's hermi... has it been stressed at any point?


Well-Known Member
Yes it has been stressed! i have a spray bottle that i use thats filled up with water but used to be filled up cleaning shit..
well about a week ago i accidently sprayed my plant with the wrong bottle and actualy sprayed my plant with a Cleaning Liquid.
I think it was windex.
my bad i know


Well-Known Member
Go to your hydro store, buy All dutchmaster Foiler Sprays. There are 5 but the only 3 you need, Liquid light, Penetrator, and Reverse. Spray the spray on the male parts of your hermie and they will stop producing the male part and continue growing buds. 100% gauranteed, give it a shot! Read the directions Very carefully or you can mess up your leafs!!!!


Well-Known Member
so let me get this stright...

feeding your plants Windex = Hermies?

I'll make sure not to do that in the future.....


Active Member
well, if you don't have any seeds grow it out, you will have plenty. i think all the seeds are supposed to end up feminized. but i also heard some end up with a lot of hermies when using hermi seeds.


Well-Known Member
Today i decided to Chop it down! but the plant is hanging upside down in my closet with a plastic bag over the plant drying out..
Iam going to make hash with the leave's.
And iam also starting over... Today i also ordered 10 Feminized White Widow seeds.
so ill start a new thread shortly and show u guys the process of my new grow.


Active Member
i am sure with a hermi plant you get hermi seeds... they use hermi plants to pollonate a female plant to get fem seeds i am sure thats the way it goes.. but dont take my word for it...