Help my plant is F***ed

Type 1 Diabetic

Well-Known Member
ok im gonna give as much info as possible so everyone can help me.

TIME FRAME:5 months then im going beack to college

HOW I want to grow this plant:
- I want it to be 10 to 12 inches then im putting it in flowering cycle
- I am then going to lollipop the plant to get one big cola
- I dont care how much bud i get i just want to do this

- I have a 75 watt floodlight on it. (made for plants to grow)
- I am getting a 400 watt Hps sun system in 1 week
- Growing in soil in my closet
- Have a fan blowing on it

Problem: Just look at the pictures
my_plant1.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

my_plant3.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

my_plant2.jpg - Image - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

SHould i just cut the top off and root it as if it where a clone. Ill take any other suggestions too. I just notice the top of the plant looks the best.


Active Member
You could try repotting putting soil all the way up to the first set of leaves, although it may be dangerous at this point to move the roots around at all. Also try putting some lights down near the lower branches so that they have a chance to fill up some. If your light is too hot and is burning leaves you could switch to CFL's for a bit then switch back to that nice HPS you got after your plant fills in some more. If you are already flowering then I'd be worried that your limbs won't hold any buds, do what you can with that fan to improve stem thickness and root support. Good luck man


Well-Known Member
Once that plant gets under the hps it will explode. Within a month you will not be able to tell it was ever scrawny. Cloning will only delay harvest.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that would probably be best, it might get top heavy. That thing looks like stretch armstrongs little sister, you DEFINITELY need that 400 asap.