HELP!!! My plant is undercurling!!!


Active Member

The plants leaves are curling under.

The leaves are a solid green, except for one leaf... but that was an error of mine the light was to close at one point, but that was 2 week back. This week, after i transplanted she wilted, but then became better once i turned the light off. Now it seems that everytime i turn the light on it wilts, and not a slight wilt it bends over completely..
What could that be?!


Well-Known Member
my guess would be overwatering the pics in the FAQ section look like/sound like your description can you take pics?

sorry i meant more pics


Active Member
Thank you to all those who tried....
However she dies.. passed away...
I have started a new group of seedlings...
hopefully i have more of a chance now..


Well-Known Member
Looked like over watering to me, use a soiless mix next time around, TRUST ME, You will thank me later. Get a moisture, PH, and Lumens tester, you will find them at any nursery, hydro store, home depot.

This will take the guess work out of watering them, remember the root system does not want to be drowned in water. This is why soiless mix is so great. Get some. Good luck.